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This Just In: Tummy Tucks Create Flatter Stomachs for Life!

MANHATTAN AND NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK – A question that has probably crossed your mind as you contemplate plastic surgery is “How long will the results of my tummy tuck last?” And the answer is…FOREVER!

While there is no guarantee as to how long your results will last, Good Housekeeping magazine shared the following findings in their June issue:

“In a small study, 70% of tummy tuck patients weighed less a year later, with most feeling less hungry, too. Removing fat cells, the researchers speculate may lower levels of appetite-stimulating hormones.”

There is usually a high rate of long-term success when it comes to a tummy tuck but more may be contributing to it than lower hormone levels.

“I cannot attest to the decrease in hormones when it comes to the success of my patients since I don’t do such testing in my facility,” says Dr. Elliot Heller. “But what I can attest to is their renewed self-esteem which most cherish enough that they change their lifestyle and work hard to maintain their results, and sometimes even improve them.”

Another reason may be that the majority of tummy tuck patients have tried almost everything; healthy diets, workouts and supplements but are not seeing improvements and are finally losing their “drive.”

“‘Why am I not seeing improvement when I’m doing X, Y and Z?’ is one of the questions I get asked most as a trainer,” says Nicole Nichols, fitness expert and editor-in-chief at SparkPeople.

Indeed, it is easy to become discouraged when you aren’t seeing the fruits of your labor – especially when it comes to weight loss.

But when you do, perhaps with the help of a tummy-tuck – things change quickly.

“When a patient sees themselves for the first time after a tummy tuck, it’s emotional,” says Heller. “They are often overwhelmed to finally see the results they’ve been working so hard to achieve. And because we ask them to lose as much weight as possible before the procedure (improves their end result), they know how to maintain their results and rarely have trouble doing so.”

There of course is never a guarantee that your results will last forever, however, when it comes to a tummy tuck, our experience and the results of scientific studies point to the odds being in your favor.

Call today for free consultations for a tummy tuck, liposuction or even a facial rejuvenation with a fac-elift, lip enhancement or rhinoplasty in NY.

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