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Free Consultations for Cosmetic Procedures


What’s Hot in Plastic Surgery Right Now

There was a time in the past when reconstructive plastic surgery was mostly an option for facelifts and the enhancement of a woman’s breast size through implants, mainly by celebrities who were in the public eye and able to afford their expensive costs.

Not too long ago, very few people outside the circle of celebrities in Hollywood were able to have these procedures performed unless they were for medical or surgical reasons, and in those cases, were likely covered by insurance. 

During the past decade, this trend has changed drastically, though, as more and more people are opting for these procedures.  While there are a number of reasons why this has occurred, two of the most prominent ones are:

# 1 – The advancements in the science and medical fields which have paved the way for these procedures and methods to be used to enhance a number of other body parts.  For example, one of the more popular procedures these days is a Brazilian butt lift, a surgery that wasn’t even desired by most women let alone offered by plastic surgeons ten years ago.

#2 – The number of non-surgical options available today allow for not only a greater range of choices but smaller costs when compared to the surgical options of the past.  In addition, the above-noted advancements have lead to more efficient tools and procedures, giving plastic surgeons the ability to offer more cost-effective surgical options thanks to their own cost-savings.

Fastest-Growing Plastic Surgery Procedures

Today, even average people can also afford the costs and expenses involved in these procedures and avail the benefits of modern medical science to improve their physical and medical conditions.

While most people here in New York, or anywhere in the world for that matter, think of tummy tucks or facelifts when talking about the plastic surgery options available, they’re not even the most popular plastic surgeries being performed today.  

Last year in 2016, nearly 1.8 million surgical procedures and approximately 15.5 million non-surgical ones were performed in the US and of them, breast augmentation, liposuction, nose reshaping, and eyelid surgeries were all ahead of #5 on the list – facelifts – when it comes to the top five surgical procedures while Botox, soft tissue fillers, chemical peels, laser hair removal, and microdermabrasion were the top choices for minimally invasive procedures.

While those are some of the most popular surgeries being performed, they aren’t the fastest growing surgical cosmetic procedures these days.  During the last year, more and more patients are choosing to have one of the following procedures to enhance their body and looks:

Lip reduction

While many of the patients we see who are looking to have their lips augmented choose to have them enhanced to make them appear bigger and more luscious, many patients are choosing to do the opposite instead, in some cases due to a previously botched surgery, while in others due to naturally large lips that they want to be reduced in size.

Even though lip enhancements have increased by 50% between 2000 and 2016, a recent New Beauty article reveals a cultural trend among younger patients (in their 20s and 30s) who live in Asia and prefer Caucasian facial features (narrow cheekbones, deeper eye sockets, and thinner lips) and are turning to plastic surgery to achieve that look.

Compared to last year, lip reduction procedures are up by 283 percent and while in opposition to the many, many fuller lips you’ll find on Instagram, are becoming a much more popular procedure.


Up 38 percent over last year, you won’t find nearly as many before and after pictures of this procedure, nor will you find that many patients confessing to having this surgery performed, especially when compared to something like a breast lift or tummy tuck.

While labiaplasty is generally a procedure that’s performed on women who’ve given birth or aged considerably since both of them can transform the labia majora, labia menora, perineum and natural beauty of the female genitalia, it’s become increasing popular with younger women who just aren’t happy with the appearance of that part of their body or need the surgery of hygienic or functional reasons.

Even though it’s not exactly the same procedure, a vaginal rejuvenation, or vaginoplasty, which aims to tighten the walls of the vagina, most likely due to natural childbirth, is another popular option a woman who’s not happy with her vagina can take thanks to the many medical and technological advancements that have occurred over the last few years.

Lower body lift

As gastric bypass surgery has become more popular as an option for morbidly obese individuals looking to lose an extreme amount of weight, so too has the demand for the arm lifts, thigh lifts and body lifts required to remove the excess skin left behind after all of the weight and fat has been lost.

The lower body lift, or belt lipectomy, typically offers a dramatic transformation of the mid and lower body by removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen, hips, outer thighs, and buttocks.  This procedure is commonly broken into components (tummy tuck, thigh lift, buttock lift) via a surgical procedure that’s performed in stages or a single session.

As more and more people are adopting a healthier lifestyle, this procedure has been more popular among those individuals who’ve lost an extreme amount of weight (often 100 lbs or more) without first having a gastric bypass surgery and even some patients who’ve not lost any weight at all as many of our tummy tuck patients opt for this procedure as well since it helps to tighten the skin in the thighs and buttocks.

Butt Augmentation

While there are many different types of butt enhancement surgeries for you to choose from, one of the most popular, if not the most popular, is the Brazilian Butt Lift.

Since it’s less invasive and easier to recover from as compared to a butt implant surgery, the BBL, as it’s known throughout social media, is not only the most popular butt enhancement surgery in our Manhattan office but one of the fastest-growing surgeries among all patients in the US.

Thanks to Kim Kardashian, Serena Williams, Jennifer Lopez, Nicki Minaj and songs like Ms. Booty, Big Booty Girls, and Baby Got Back, the last decade can easily be called the resurgence of the butt and the many different butt augmentation procedures available only help to spur their popularity.

Pectoral Implants

Up by 25 percent over the last year, and the only fastest-growing procedure dedicated solely to men, pectoral implants are typically an option for men who are unable to produce the chiseled chest they desire no matter how many bench presses or other exercises they performed to help define their chest muscles.

In many cases, pectoral implants are also a popular option for our gynecomastia patients who are left with malformed chests as a result of that procedure or men who’ve survived cancer surgery and have similar issues they want to scuplt and transform with a pectoral implant. 

Fat Injections

While the specific procedures discussed above are trending upwards, one of the most popular requests these days involves how the procedures themselves are performed.  

Although many of the reconstructive plastic surgeries you could have performed may use silicones and other chemical fillers, one of the most recent American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) data shows many patients are looking for a more natural alternative:  their own fat.

Since it can be used to perform a number of different procedures, from fat injections to breast augmentations, harvesting one’s own fat, typically from their abdomen by way of a liposuction, and then injecting that same fat back into another area of their body has become one of the most popular trends over the last few years.

In 2016 alone, the ASPS saw a 13% increase in minimally invasive fat injections, a 26% increase in fat grafts of the buttocks, and an astounding 72% increase in breast augmentations that used fat injections as opposed to traditional silicone or saline implants.

Facial plastic surgery

Aside from breast augmentation and liposuction, 3 of the top 5 surgeries performed in 2016 were facial plastic surgery procedures, which shouldn’t come as a shock considering it’s the most visible part of your body and the one which shows the signs of aging most often.

While eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, and facelifts are the most common facial plastic surgery procedures performed here in our New York City office the same as they are nationwide, there are many others our patients turn to in order to make improvements to their face.

As noted above, many of our patients are using fat transfers to address the wrinkles, sunken cheeks, and bags under their eyes while others are choosing to have cheek implants, chin implants, hair transplants, or cheek lifts to transform the look of their face.  

Non-surgical procedures

Out-numbering surgical procedures by a 7-to-1 margin, minimally invasive plastic surgery procedures are not only one of the most popular types of surgeries performed, but fastest growing as well.  

Considering many people are afraid of having surgery, especially an optional procedure like the one required of a facelift, many of them are going a different route by choosing to use non-surgical facial rejuvenation, fat reduction, and laser removal techniques instead.

Whether a skin peel to reduce wrinkles and sun damage, an acne treatment to reduce the appearance of acne scars or more traditional facial rejuvenation techniques like Botox, Ultherapy, Juvederm, and Fraxel lasers, many of the patients who come into our office in Manhattan would rather not go under the knife to get the look they desire.  Given the cost of these procedures is typically less than a surgical one, it’s no surprise either.

Thanks to Coolscuplting, mesotherapy, Cellfina, and Kybella, our patients have a number of non-invasive fat reduction options available to them which allow them to address the appearance of cellulite on their thighs and buttocks, double chin, ab sculpting, cellulite and fat shrinking needs without having to undergo a more costly surgical procedure.

In the past, our plastic surgeons had limited options when it came to helping our patients remove hair, spider veins, stretch marks, moles, and tattoos, but thanks to the advancements in laser technologies that’s no longer the case, providing our patients with an affordable and non-surgical procedure to address those concerns.

What’s The Next Big Trend?

While it’s difficult to predict what’s going to happen in plastic surgery over the next couple of years, we’d like to think we know a thing or two and have a pretty good finger on the pulse of what’s happening, and going to happen in the near future.

Even though none of these procedures will likely surpass the top 5 we spoke of earlier, don’t be surprised to hear your friends, family, and the media talking about some of these procedures and techniques over the coming years as they become more popular and widely accepted.

Designer Fillers

With Juvederm Voluma, to add volume to the midface and Juvederm Volbella and Restylane Lyft currently available to do the same to the lips, one of the biggest trends to look out for over the coming months and years are fillers designed specifically for certain areas of the face.

The Belotero line of dermal fillers already sports many different site-specific options and the introduction of Restylane’s Refyne and Defyne (for smile and laugh lines) will allow our patients a quick, affordable and minimally invasive method of dealing with many of the problem areas on their face.

While many of the neuromodulator injectables on the market today typically last 4 months, a new breed of already approved options is set to enter the market with the introduction of Revance, an application that’s rumored to last almost double that amount of time.

Just Add Dimples

As a young adult, you may have been teased about the dimples on your cheeks.  While they’re cute on a 4-year old, many of the people spent most of their lives being teased about the cute little dimples on their face won’t have to worry about that any longer thanks to one of the newest trends in facial plastic surgery – dimples.

In an attempt to accentuate their smiles, many patients are turning to a quick and simple in-office procedure, called dimpleplasty, which allows them to choose exactly where they want the dimple to be placed and through the use of small incision on the inside of their cheek to avoid scars on the face, have the dimples they’ve longed for.

Naturally, a dimple is created when there’s a small defect in the cheek musculature, causing the skin over this area to stick down to the underlying connective tissue, particularly when you smile and this dimple creation surgery can create that look in as little as 30 minutes under nothing more than local anesthesia to numb the area.

Smaller, More Natural Breasts

Although many women are still unhappy with the look and shape of their breasts, it’s becoming more and more commonplace for them to choose a more natural looking end result as opposed to the bigger breast sizes we’re used to seeing. 

In fact, the largest group of women having breast augmentations are those who’ve had children and aren’t looking for larger breasts, but ones that can be restored to their pre-baby shape and form.  With more and more women choosing to get fit and lean this should come as no surprise, and a number of them are choosing to reduce the size of their nipples as well, again in accordance with the trend of a more natural looking bust.


Also known as fat freezing, this non-invasive alternative to one of the most popular surgical procedures, liposuction, is quickly becoming more and more popular with both our male and female patients.  Thanks to the fact our fat cells are more sensitive to cold temperatures than other types of body cells, this body contouring technique uses controlled cooling to target and crystallize your fat cells.

As a result of the Coolsculpting treatment, these crystallized fat cells typically die off and are naturally eliminated from the body.  In the weeks and months following the treatment, the remaining fat cells condense to reduce the layer of fat that was previously there.

Compared to the incisions and fat sucking required of a liposuction procedure, it’s safe to say this will become one of the more popular procedures, due to its cost as compared to the surgical options, fewer risks, and shorter downtime.

PRP Injections

As the list of procedures which use platelet-rich plasma continues to grow, so too, does its popularity.  Whether for use in a hair restoration, lip enhancement, vaginal rejuvenation, or facial recontouring procedure, PRP injections are prepared from one to a few tubes of your own blood, and after being centrifuged, are injected into the abnormal tissue, releasing growth factors that recruit and increase the proliferation of reparative cells.

Considering it’s your own blood that’s being used and the popularity of facelifts overall, one of the more common procedures these days is a vampire facelift.

In this procedure, the withdrawn and centrifugated blood is injected into the superficial layers of the patient’s skin with tiny needles to stimulate the body’s own natural healing and growth abilities to reduce wrinkles, add youthful volume, and improve the quality of your skin.

What Do You Think Will Be The Next Big Thing?

While we’ve tried our best to highlight some of the trends we’re seeing across the United States, as well as in our offices here in Manhattan and Staten Island, we’re always looking for the next big trend, procedure, tool or technology to help our patients achieve the look they desire.

That being said, we’re always interested to hear more about you, your needs, and what you think is going to be the hottest plastic surgery trend in 2018 and we’d love to hear from you.

To get in touch, just fill out the “Get Answers” form at the top of this page and one of our board-certified plastic surgeons will be in touch.

More Than Just a Pretty Face: The Newly Discovered Social Benefits of Facelift Procedures

Our faces are perhaps the most important part of our identities. They represent who we are physically to everyone who comes into contact with us. Simply put, people remember faces.

However, faces are the part of our bodies that are most susceptible to change as we age. Our faces will naturally lose the tight skin, defined lines, and smoothness that we once knew. When this happens, our identity as we have known it for years can change right before our eyes.

What’s worse, it’s almost impossible to exercise our faces. If our arms start becoming flabby, we can work out and focus on tightening the skin and gaining muscle. But there’s simply no way to gain muscle in our face or work off excess skin. Our faces simply age and we’re left to deal with it.

If you’re reading this, you obviously know this isn’t 100% true. With modern medical procedures like facelifts, we can regain our once-youthful appearance in a matter of hours.

The thing is, a recent study has proven that the benefits of facelift procedures extend beyond the obvious physical improvements. In fact, facelifts can actually change how we interact socially with others and how they view us, both professionally and personally. Keep reading to better understand how the newly discovered additional benefits of facelifts can truly improve your life!

What is a Facelift?

A facelift is a cosmetic procedure that seeks to create a more youthful-looking face. Facelifts are so popular that over 120,000 Americans have the procedure every year. In fact, it is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed in the United States among both men and women. When properly performed, a facelift will:

  • Tighten skin around the jawline.
  • Eliminate creases in the nose and mouth.
  • Remove sagging and excess skin or fat on the neck.
  • Tighten the skin around the chin.
  • Tighten facial tissue under the skin.
  • Smooth out skin in the cheeks.
  • Eliminate skin elasticity.

Overall, a facelift seeks to rejuvenate the face while keeping a natural and healthy appearance.

How is a Facelift Performed?

Facelift procedures generally take between two and five hours to complete, depending on the patient. It is an outpatient procedure, so no hospital stay is required. Small incisions are made in strategically hidden areas throughout the face that allow the surgeon to gently stretch back the skin and remove any excess.

Your plastic surgeon will sit down and walk you through the entire process; while it may sound scary at first, it is a tried and tested procedure that thousands of Americans have been enjoying for decades. Generally, the procedure demands around two weeks for a full recovery.

Physical Appearance

The most obvious benefit of having a facelift is an improvement in your physical appearance. Your face is the most important part of who you are. If you think about it, your face actually defines you as an individual in many ways.

As we age, our face — and thus our identity — changes. While everyone ages at different rates, no one looks young forever. It’s only natural to suffer from wrinkles, sagging skin, and droopy eyes. Thankfully, a simple facelift can restore your face to a more youthful appearance and help you look as young as you truly feel.

Here are some of the major benefits of having a facelift procedure:

Youthful Appearance: Plastic surgeons who specialize in facelifts are able to make your skin look younger, more rejuvenated, and healthier. After the surgery, your skin will look like it did when you were in your twenties!

Face Contours: Studies show that people generally rate individuals with distinct facial contours as more attractive than their peers. Defined jawlines without excess skin and smooth eyelids and cheeks are all objective signs of beauty. But these facial features are hard to maintain as we age. Thankfully, your face’s natural contours that you had in the past can be brought back out again with a simple facelift.

How You Feel:  Ever look in the mirror and ask yourself, “When did I get so old?” It’s okay, we’ve all been there.  Growing old doesn’t just change our skin; it changes the way we feel as well. Once we start to realize our skin is changing and we begin to feel older, others will notice as well. This naturally causes us to be concerned about our appearance and lose confidence in ourselves. Thankfully, facelifts have been proven to improve how patients feel as well as look. A facelift will increase:

Self-esteem and Confidence: Nothing boosts your confidence like knowing you look good. Disagree? Then why do we dress up for job interviews, weddings, and work? We want to express to the outside world that we are energetic, confident, and ready to lead by looking our best whenever we can. If it’s so accepted to improve our clothing to boost our confidence, why can’t we improve our skin as well?

Well, with a facelift, you can! It’s common knowledge that once patients see the results of their facelifts, their confidence gets an immediate boost. That old person you saw earlier in the mirror is gone; now you recognize that young and energetic person staring back at you.

Whether you want to start meeting new people again, call that old high school fling, or try for that new promotion, a facelift will give you the confidence you need to try new things in life and succeed.

Career Success: We live in a world where the confident succeed and the not-so-confident fail. Confident people are leaders, risk-takers, and game changers because they believe in themselves and are comfortable with the way they look and feel . Honestly ask yourself, have you ever seen an overweight politician? Most are attractive and healthy-looking, which helps them command respect and earn admiration. On the other hand, people who are unsure of themselves or wary of how others view them rarely jump at a chance to be in the spotlight.

After your facelift has you looking and feeling better than before, you can use that newfound confidence to propel yourself and your career to new heights. While you’re up in front of the office pitching your new idea, you can focus on your presentation and not on the way you look. You’ll know that everyone in the audience is wondering how you kept your skin looking so good for so long instead of staring at your double chin. If only they knew!

How Others View You – A New Study

As hard as it is to admit, people do judge us based on our looks. The older we look, the less capable and competent people think we are. Wrinkles and saggy skin are a loudspeaker, announcing our age to the world. The older we look, the more it causes others to think that we don’t have the same energy that we once did — but this isn’t the case!

Those who have facelifts understandably wonder what others think of them compared to before. Do they think we look healthier? Younger? More energetic? Perhaps not surprisingly, this information is extremely hard to come by; not many people have the courage to tell you they think you look worse than before or that perhaps they never noticed you before the procedure anyway. Thankfully, this mystery has now been solved. 

In April 2017, the Journal of the American Medical Association conducted a study seeking the answer to this very question, and their results were stunning. The study sought to determine if facelift procedures affected rates of attractiveness, success, health, and perceived age in random observers. Here’s how the study took place.

The Study: The surveyors took photographs of twelve different white females before and after their facelift procedures, making a total of 24 photos. The surveyors then randomly took six pre-op and six post-op photos of the twelve females.

They then showed these twelve photos to a group of 504 people: 165 men, 333 women, and 6 of unknown gender between the ages of 18 and 70. These 504 people were then asked to grade the perceived age, attractiveness, success, and health of each person in the photo.

Results: Across the board, the photos of the women taken after their facelift procedures were found to look younger, healthier, more attractive, and more successful. In fact, the average age of a post-facelift photo was estimated at 4.6 years younger than the pre-facelift photo. The study concluded that the random observer views a person more positively after their facelift procedure based solely on their looks.

What This Tells Us: This study tells us what former facelift patients already knew, but up until now could not prove: that facelift procedures make people look younger, healthier, more successful, and more attractive to the average person. Besides the physical and personal benefits, facelifts provide social benefits as well.

The Benefits of Facelift Procedures Go Beyond Physical Appearance

A facelift procedure will make you feel better about yourself, but with good reason! You feel more confident because you can tell that those around you perceive you as healthy, young, attractive, and successful.

Even if you do not feel more confident after your procedure, others will still be impressed by your youthful appearance. In the study, the participants based their observations solely on photos. Now imagine if that photo was accompanied by your newfound confidence.

After a facelift, you will stand taller, speak more clearly, and be more confident in your endeavors. Add to that the objectively proven benefits that a facelift will have on your appearance, and you have unlimited potential for newfound success and new relationships.

What This Means for the Future of Plastic Surgery

Society has increasingly begun to accept that plastic surgery provides benefits beyond merely physical changes. Some say that in the past, it was frowned upon to admit that we wanted plastic surgery so that others would think more highly of us. Those who wanted plastic surgery had to explain how they personally wanted to feel better and didn’t care what others thought.

But this is beginning to change, and the new study by JAMA cements the new wave of thinking. The evidence is there: attractive people are more successful in their careers, social life, and dating; in fact, attractive people are also more likely to be found not guilty at trial. The benefits of looking young and healthy are explored more and more every day.

Plastic surgeons are beginning to understand that their craft goes beyond physical appearance and ultimately changes people’s subconscious views of their patients. These thoughts aren’t solely limited to attractiveness, but encompass success and health as well. Their patients will actually achieve better outcomes in life because of the plastic surgeon’s work, and that is something that should be acknowledged and respected by the profession.

It’s Okay to Admit You Want to Change How Others Perceive You

It is as simple as that. If you want plastic surgery because you want people to think you’re younger, healthier, and more attractive overall, call a plastic surgeon today. The results of plastic surgery are no longer measured solely by the physical results of the procedure, and the motivations shouldn’t be either. It’s okay to recognize the subconscious results that plastic surgery will have on those around you. The truth is, whether or not you want people to think you’re younger, more attractive, and more successful, they’re going to, after a facelift.

Thanks to the recent study by JAMA, it’s been proven what many former facelift patients already knew: in addition to helping you look younger and feel better, a facelift will cause others to subconsciously believe you are healthy, attractive, and successful. The benefits of a facelift go well beyond the merely physical alterations and can have a deeper, meaningful impact on your life.

However, deciding to undergo a facelift is still a life-changing decision that should be given serious thought. This is especially true now that we know a facelift can improve our lives beyond simply helping us look younger. If you’re debating making the change to improve your life and how others view you, contact a plastic surgeon today to discuss your options. 

Plastic Surgery for Men – The Hottest Trends of 2017

We used to think of plastic surgery as something only the rich and famous could afford. It was almost perceived by many people as unnecessary and unnatural, due to the primitive technology of the time.

You can probably remember a horror story or two of a certain celebrity who got botox injected in their face and were never able to make facial expressions again, or of Michael Jackson, who got his nose surgically massacred until it fell off his face every time he sneezed.

Plastic surgery is available for everyone nowadays — including men.

The skill level of plastic surgeons is currently so high that you wouldn’t even realize if a man who’d had plastic surgery walked in front of you right now. Surgery has gotten so sophisticated that procedures for fixing everything from oversized breasts to unsightly belly fat are now available to the average man on a basic salary.

Not Just for the Super-Wealthy

Men everywhere are turning to plastic surgery to stay looking young and fresh, and to keep up with their younger counterparts. One study by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons shows that there has been a 20% increase in the number of men undergoing plastic surgery procedures, and most of those are minimally invasive surgeries like fillers or botox.

It’s become evident that plastic surgery for men is quickly losing the taboo it once held, and instead is starting to be viewed as something more like maintenance work — akin to going to the gym and eating healthy.

Something for Everyone

While most men tend to opt for basic procedures like botox or fillers, there are procedures for nearly anything you could want to change about yourself nowadays. Some of the most popular plastic surgeries for men include:

  • Male Breast Reduction
  • Penile Enhancement Surgery
  • Liposuction/Smartlipo
  • Abdominal Etching
  • Implants for Bodybuilders
  • Facelifts
  • Eyelid Surgery
  • Nose Surgery
  • Tattoo Removal
  • Butt Implants
  • Tie Tuck

1.  Male Breast Reduction

This is one of the most common procedures for men, because having enlarged breasts as a man is incredibly unsightly and quite honestly is an instant turn-off for most women. Having unusually enlarged breasts is called gynecomastia, and men can get to this point for many reasons, including:

  • Hormone Imbalances in Teens and Infants
  • Anabolic Steroid Abuse
  • Substance Abuse
  • Taking Certain Medications
  • Other Health Conditions that Imbalance the Hormones

Before performing breast reduction surgery, your doctor will perform tests to determine if your enlarged breasts are caused by chest fat or something more serious, like an abscess or a tumor.

Once the decision is made to perform the surgery, you will be sedated with anesthesia and IV medication until you are completely unconscious. Doctors will then probably use liposuction and incisions to remove fat and skin tissue as needed until your breast/pectoral area is looking nice and tight.

Recovery time for this procedure is very short and most patients usually recover within 2 or 3 days. The success rates for this surgery are very high; a successful breast reduction surgery will be completely discreet and unnoticeable, and will hugely increase your self-confidence levels.

2.  Penile Enhancement Surgery

This is another one of the most common trends in plastic surgeries for men, for obvious reasons. If you feel like you can’t measure up to other men, there is hope for you. There are a variety of different surgical and non-surgical procedures (penile enhancement surgery being one of them) that can increase both the length and the girth of your penis.

Surgical Lengthening

Most men aren’t even aware of the fact that nearly 50% of their penis is hidden inside their body. With a simple incision and release of the suspensory ligament that holds your penis up straight during erection, your penis can be naturally lengthened by 1 or 2 full inches. The incision made to achieve this is hidden underneath your pubic hair and isn’t noticeable to anyone.


If it’s girth you’re searching for, this is also attainable. Surgeons can harvest fat from other places on your body, like your love handles or buttocks, and inject it into your penis. Alloderm can also be injected to increase girth. One new technique for penis widening is called a dermal fat graft. The harvested fat is surgically implanted along the length of your penis and allowed to grow there, causing your penis to become much thicker than it previously was.

Pubic Lift

If you have excess skin in your pubic region that is drooping down over your penis and causing it to look smaller than it really is, you can have a procedure performed that’s known as “pubic lift.” The excess skin will be removed and will result in your penis looking like it has more length.

Non-Surgical Options

If you want to achieve similar results to surgical penile enhancement options but don’t want to go under the knife, there is an option for you as well. Dermal filler can be injected into your penis to increase the length and girth of your penis — albeit temporarily. This procedure is FDA-approved and is nearly painless as well.

3.  Liposuction/Smartlipo

Liposuction isn’t just for breast reduction; it can be used on almost any part of the body. Liposuction is probably one of the very first plastic surgery procedures you ever heard of, and the technology behind it is as close to 100% refined as it’s likely to get. Liposuction in a nutshell is the use of scalpels and suction tubes to suck out excess fat. This allows surgeons to sculpt a person’s body to the exact measurements they would like, effectively turning them into an ancient Greek statue.

Many people find it hard to deal with excess fat on their bodies, even with proper diet and exercise. Before the days of plastic surgery, people just had to live with this and accept it, but not anymore. There are now specialized liposuction machines that not only suck away fat, but stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin as well.

The average liposuction procedure takes less than two hours and is one of the safest plastic surgery options available.  There are typically 3 types of liposuction available:

  • Laser Liposuction
  • Ultrasonic Liposuction
  • Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is a process that uses infused fluid to break down fat, which assists with its removal. Ultrasonic liposuction uses transmitted waves of pressure the penetrate through the skin to dissolve unsightly fat, which facilitates its easier removal and elimination. Laser liposuction uses a laser probe that heats up to a temperature that liquefies your fat and allows for its extremely easy removal.

The recovery process for all of these procedures is very fast, and there is usually only some minor swelling and bruising which clears up quickly. Garments used to tighten skin after a procedure are worn for a few weeks after surgery, but patients can usually get back to their normal activities within days.

There are also more unconventional methods for eliminating fat, like freezing it off instead of sucking it out. This is non-surgical, making it popular with those who have an aversion to knives and surgery.

4.    Implants for BodyBuilders

Bodybuilding is by definition “building up” your body. But what do you do when no amount of exercise and diet can get you to the size you want? This is where implants come in. While not every muscle group is available for implants, the main ones are covered. These include:


Calves can be one of the hardest muscle groups to build up; unless you spend a lifetime running up stairs and jumping up and down, it’s doubtful you’re going to achieve the thick, square physique of someone with sculpted calves, no matter how many calf raises you do. Calf implants are both a permanent and safe way to get the physique you’re looking for, with hardly any effort involved.

When you get a calf implant, an incision is made on the back of your knee and a pocket is created to put the implant in. A silicone implant is then slid right into the pocket, resulting in a calf that is indistinguishable from a non-surgically enhanced one – save for that thick, smooth look you’ve always wanted.


Bicep implants are also available for those who want to have arms that look strong and defined — without having to do thousands of bicep curls. This procedure also uses a silicone implant inserted through an incision that is hidden from plain sight. Bicep implants tend to be incredibly natural-looking, and most patients are completely satisfied with the size improvement they receive.


Chest muscles can also be very hard to build up; even if you do push-ups all day for the rest of your life, you won’t achieve the size that a pectoral implant can give you. The pectoral is one of the easiest muscles to enhance with implants and it usually looks very natural when completed. A solid silicone implant is inserted underneath your real pectoral muscle through an incision in your armpit. Once this is done, the incision is sewn up and you will need to wear a compression vest for a few days until it heals up. The resulting outcome is a defined chest that feels very muscular and natural to the touch.

5.   Abdominal Etching

When it comes to muscle groups that are difficult to sculpt, none are harder than the abs. It takes serious dedication to working out your abs, and eating right to attain the sculpted six-pack look you see on late-night infomercials. We bet you didn’t know that everybody has abs — most people’s are just covered up by stubborn belly fat.

While you might have heard the phrase “abs are made in the kitchen,” they’re also made in the doctor’s office, thanks to abdominal etching.

Abdominal etching is the use of liposuction to sculpt out the abs in a manner that accentuates the ab muscles, giving you a six-pack — or even an eight-pack if you have the muscle structure for it. This procedure is very safe and is extremely popular for this reason.

During an abdominal etching procedure you will be placed under anesthesia, and surgeons will use a smartlipo technique that uses lasers to liquefy your fat before it’s sucked out. This method of liposuction reduces the amount of trauma to surrounding tissue and greatly reduces recovery time as well. This technique specifically achieves the result of giving your abs a ripped, chiseled appearance.

The recovery time is very quick, with most patients being able to return to work within 2 days. There is some slight bruising and swelling in the abdominal area that usually goes away after a week or so. A velcro compression wrap will need to be worn for about two weeks after the procedure to help speed up recovery and reduce swelling.

Even More Options Are Becoming Popular Today

In addition to these five main trends in plastic surgery for men, there are a few others gaining popularity as well. Surgeries such as the tie tuck, which is used to tighten up the jawline, and even butt implants are gaining popularity among men today with facelifts, nose surgery, eyelid surgery, and tattoo removals not too far behind.

Plastic surgery for men is no longer seen as a freakish and horrifying thing to partake in. As our technological abilities increase, plastic surgery will be considered tame and completely normal compared to what we have in store for us. (Hint – genetic engineering, cybernetic implants.)

Men are no longer battling such a strong taboo against plastic surgery, and some of the procedures mentioned above like liposuction, abdominal sculpting, penile enhancement, breast reduction and others are excellent ways for people to get the body they’ve always dreamed of.

The fact that we can now cheat nature and sculpt our natural bodies any way that we want is a beautiful thing — if you view it in the correct light. Plastic surgery is the wave of the future and soon almost everyone you know will have had some kind of procedure done. With costs continuing to decrease and public acceptance continuing to increase, it’s safe to say that plastic surgery for men is here to stay, truly disproving the common saying that “money can’t buy happiness.”

Anatomically Shaped Breast Implants: Good or Bad?

Choosing to undergo breast augmentation surgery can be a truly life changing decision, but it’s a big step. There’s a lot of information out there on different doctors, procedures, and types of implants. 

One thing we are often asked about is the difference between traditional round breast implants and anatomically shaped breast implants. We are always happy to hear this question because it shows that the patient has done their research, but we know that many who have not yet consulted a plastic surgeon have the same question. So we’ve decided to write down everything you need to know about anatomically shaped breast implants before you make the decision to improve your body and your life! 

What is an Anatomically Shaped Breast Implant?

Perhaps unsurprisingly, an anatomically shaped breast implant is made to mimic a real breast. It is “teardrop” in shape with the bulk of the volume being at the bottom of the implant. Originally, anatomically shaped breast implants were created to help those who needed breast reconstruction surgery. The anatomically correct shape made them look more real with and without clothing. Traditional breast implants are round causing the material to be evenly spread out. While standing up, a traditional breast implant will not have quite as noticeable of a natural “teardrop” shape. 


Anatomically shaped breast implants have come a long way since their original use for reconstruction procedures. Because of that, they have become more and more common in cosmetic procedures. 

  • More Natural Look: While traditional implants have come a long way, many patients are still worried about their breasts looking “fake.” The round look of traditional implants is off-putting to some women and prevents them from take the step to improve their lives. Anatomically shaped breast implants solve this problem by mimicking the natural shape of a youthful woman’s breasts. 
  • Customizable to Your Body: The large number of options and sizes makes it possible for the plastic surgeon to “tailor” the implant to the patient’s body. Volume isn’t the only consideration. Instead, patients can choose the width, height, and prominence of the anatomically shaped breast implant. Patients can also choose how much volume they want in the upper and lower parts of the implant, creating a truly customizable experience. 
  • Better Able to Maintain Their Shape: Traditional breast implants allow the silicon material to freely move throughout the implant. Running and jumping are perfect examples of the problems this can cause. On the contrary, anatomically shaped breast implants are specifically created to be less “fluid” than traditional implants and maintain their shape. This is because they necessarily have to keep certain amounts of volume in the upper and lower part of the breast. However, this does not mean they are rigid by any means. Feeling an anatomically shaped breast implant is the best way to understand the difference. 


Of course, anatomically shaped breast implants aren’t the be all end all to breast implants. Many patients still prefer traditional breast implants for a number of reasons, especially since not all plastic surgeons are experienced in anatomically shaped breast implants. If it’s something you are considering, make sure you discuss it with a surgeon who has utilized them in the past. But before you do that, some of the drawbacks to anatomically shaped breast implants you should know are: 

  • Lying Down: Because anatomically shaped breast implants are better at maintaining their shape, they will keep that shape even when the patient is lying down. This may cause an unnatural look because the implants will not spread out like natural breasts would; rather, they will somewhat maintain the “teardrop” shape. Traditional implants are better at mimicking natural breasts in this regard because the silicon is able to spread out. 
  • Volume: Anatomically shaped breast implants focus on shape over volume. For that reason, they are best suited for patients who want to improve the shape of their breasts rather than substantially increase the size. While anatomically shaped breast implants that focus on volume as well are available, there is a limit to the extent that they will look natural. 
  • Flipping: Traditional breast implants are free to rotate once inserted because they are perfectly round. Anatomically shaped breast implants, on the other hand, must remain in place. Because of this, the anatomically shaped breast implants are usually textured. The plastic surgeon will also need to be experienced with correctly inserting the anatomically shaped breast implant. While the implants can flip, it is a relatively rare occurrence and studies have shown that only occurs in certain brands. 
  • Price: Anatomically shaped breast implant typically cost more than traditional breast implants. The price difference is not significant, but still true nonetheless. If price is a major consideration for you, perhaps it’s better to have a conversation with your surgeon or put off the procedure until you can afford it. 
  • Long-term Health: Lastly, a rare cancer was first linked to certain breast implants in 2011. A rare malignancy forms in the immune system called anaplastic large-cell lymphoma. In cases linked to implants this rare form of cancer grows in the breast, usually in the area of scar tissue that forms around an implant. Although deaths have been reported, it is usually treatable and not often fatal. The lymphoma is more likely to occur with textured implants (anatomically shaped implants) than with smooth implants (traditional) at a rate of nearly 10 to 1. The reaction to textured implants is clearly different from its reaction to smooth implants. In many cases when this rare lymphoma occurs, removing the implant and the tissue surrounding it eliminates the disease, however some patients may need chemotherapy and radiation. According to the F.D.A, if a woman with textured implants is currently experiencing no negative health issues there is no reason to remove them, emphasizing that the lymphoma occuring with these types of implants seems to be very rare. The F.D.A. does recocommend that doctors consider the possibility of this rare lymphoma, however, both before and after implants of this type.

Our recommendations:

There are many options available now for breast implants, including anatomically shaped implants with a textured surface. These may still be a good option for you, especially if you have a thin frame. 

At Allure Plastic Surgery, we are experiencing very positive results using what are called SRF implants. SRF stands for (S)mooth shell, (R)ound shape, (F)ull projection.

Dr. Elliot Heller tells us: “The new SRF breast implants do the best job yet of maintaining the intended shape of the breast and look extremely natural after surgery.”

The smooth shell of the SRF implants do not carry the same (rare) health risk as the textured shell of the anatomically shaped implants, yet the SRF implants yield a nearly identical result as far as presenting a very natural look to the breast, simliar to the anatomically shaped implant results. The SRF implants are available in sizes 180cc to 770cc, so they offer a wide range of enhancement options.

Breast augmentation is a procedure that can truly change your life and price alone shouldn’t determine your ultimate decision. Perhaps the best way to determine whether anatomically shaped breast implants are right for you is to browse before and after pictures. It’s also a good idea to talk to women who have had both types of implants. Your plastic surgeon should be able to put you in contact with women who are willing to talk about their experiences, or you can simply look online. Either way, it is important that you express your concerns with your personal plastic surgeon. If your surgeon has experience with anatomically shaped breast implants, he or she can help you decide which is best for your body. While there is a lot to consider now, remember that breast augmentation will improve your body and your life, anatomically shaped breast implants are just one option to help you reach that goal.

The Changing Face of Plastic Surgery

There was a time in the past when reconstructive plastic surgery meant a facelift or enhancement of breast size through implants. Celebrities also previously dominated the public face of plastic surgery due to the previously prohibited costs. In fact, there were very few people outside the circle of celebrities who were able to make use of these procedures. All of these previously held notions have changed considerably over the past decade. Strong advancements in medical science, an increase in the number of available procedures, and a change in social acceptance of cosmetic procedures has brought about a new view on the topic.

Rising Trends in the Use of Reconstructive Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery

With the trend changing drastically over the course of the past decade or two, a large number of people are now opting for these procedures. The reason behind this rising trend can be attributed to three main reasons:

  1. Advancements in the medical science of plastic surgery have paved way for these procedures and methods to be more common place. New techniques, revolutionary new chemicals and materials, and advancements in the tools used during plastic surgery procedures has opened the door to safer surgeries and a greater number of available procedures in general.
  2. The second reason behind the increasing utilization of such practices is due to the fact that the cost and overall expense of such methods have dropped drastically. In the past, the cost of any average cosmetic or plastic surgery was so high that it was only deemed affordable for celebrities and the very wealthy. However, these procedures have become increasingly more affordable over the past decade. Today, those of us with average incomes can also afford the costs and expenses involved in these procedures.
  3. Cosmetic procedures are considered more socially acceptable today. While previously bordering as a controversial subject, it’s now commonplace for both women and men to undergo a variety of treatments. 

Different Plastic and Cosmetic Surgical Procedures Available

Most people tend to think about Botox lip enhancements or breast augmentation whenever the term plastic surgery is being used. There are, however, a number of other cosmetic procedures that come under this term. There are as many procedures available now to cover nearly every aspect of the human body. We’ll discuss a handful of these available procedures:


Facelift, also known as Rhytidectomy, is one of the most common procedures in plastic surgery. This procedure is mostly implemented to reverse the visible effects and signs related to aging. This makes the procedure very popular among people in their late 30’s and 40’s. The facelift process tightens the skin of the face, which smoothes wrinkles and skin imperfections, thus taking years off the physical apperance of facelift patients.

Eyelid Surgery, Browlift, and Cheeklift

Eyelid surgery, also known as Blepharoplasty, is a process that is simliar in general nature to a facelift as it removes the wrinkles and sagging skin that may be present around the eyes, however the process is much less invasive than a full facelift. This may include the skin region above the eyelids and below the eyebrows, or even the bottom eyelids. This surgical procedure is primarily aimed at enhancing the appearance of the region around the eyes of a person, making them look fresh and youthful. A browlift (refer to the next item) is often combined with eyelid surgery, which aides in the overall success and appearance of eyelid surgery. Additionally, another procedure know as a cheeklift, or threadlift, is performed to address excess tissue or bags along the cheekbone. This is often done in addtion to a facelift to fully address the appearance of the cheek area and nasolabial crease. 

Forehead lift, or Browlift

A forehead lift or Browplasty is a plastic surgery procedure aimed toward the removal of wrinkled skin just above the eyebrows rather than the full face. This has proven to be a less expensice and better procedure for those who only want their forehead repaired, but is also performed in combination with eyelid surgery to enhance the results of that procedure.

Facial implants

Facial implants are commonly used for people with more noticeable disfigurations or those with certain areas of their face they wish to make more prominent or achieve a more dramatic change in general appearance. Facial implants also help make the features of the face more symmetrical and prominent, thus offering a more defined overall look and appearance.

Fat Injections

Fat injection is a revolutionary procedure used to minimize wrinkles, smooth skin, and restore volume. Fat is harvested from various areas of the body where it will not be missed (your love handles for example), purified, and injected in the areas to be treated. Harvested fat that is unused can even be retained in a frozen state for futher injections throughout the year, saving you additional time, expense, and discomfort. 

Nose jobs

Nose jobs or Rhinoplasty is a very common procedure of plastic surgery that is used to reshape the nose. This can go a long way in improving the facial aspects of a person and making them appear more graceful and beautiful. This procedure can also be utilized to either lengthen or shorten the length of the nose. Even the height and the width of the nose can be adjusted.

Lip Augmentation 

Fat injections, Juvederm injections, silicone injections, lip implants, and lip lifts are various procedures you may undergo to improve the appearance of your lips and mouth area. Lip augmentations vary from a few minutes of time during an in-office visit to more indepth surgical procedures.

Skin Peel, or Chemical Peels

A skin peel, often referred to as a chemical peel, is truly one of the most affordable and easy ways to maintain a youthful appearance, and it’s actually good for your skin. The process removes the damaged surface of your skin and can also removes pre-cancerous areas of your skin in the process.  

There are plenty of other surgical as well as non-surgical procedures apart from the ones we have mentioned here. Some of the very common non-surgical procedures include Botox, dermal fillers, microdermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing and many others.

Rise in Plastic Surgery

There has been a steady rise in the number of people electing optional plastic surgery. Multiple statistics and figures indicate a constant rise in the number of people that are choosing to undergo such procedures for enhancement of their physical attributes. Statistics show that there has been a 2% increase in the number of people who have opted for such procedures in 2016 when compared to the numbers in just the previous year, and this is only in the United States. Worldwide statistics definitely show a major increase in that percentage as well. 

Plastic Surgery and Gender

Woman have historically been the gender majority for cosmetic surgery, however there is also a gradual rise in the number of men opting for such plastic surgery procedures. It is a common belief that such procedures are only reserved for women, but men are also opting for such procedures for a number of reasons. Apart from the anti-aging benefits of such cosmetic enhancements, there has been an increase in the number of men opting for breast reduction procedures. In fact, the number of such men has spiraled upward in the past year, and the trend keeps moving in the upward direction this year as well. Various implants for males are on the rise as well, such as pectoral implants. Hence, contrary to popular belief, men too are using the benefits of such surgical procedures to enhance various aspects of their bodies.

Apart from the many applications of these procedures in the enhancement of body features, plastic surgery also has numerous uses in the field of medicine. The most common use of such procedures is in the treatment of skin burns. The procedures are effective in reconstructing burned areas of the body of a patient through skin grafting. In cases of burns on the face, facial reconstructive surgeries become very important in modifying the skin to give the patients a reconstructed look. 

Costs of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgical Procedures

Even though they are no longer in the unaffordable range like the days of the past, such surgical procedures can still be considered expensive. When you consider the costs of various other common expenses however, cosmetic procedures quickly fit into the budgets of many people. We commonly splurge on cars, “toys” such as boats, ATV’s, and snowmobiles, vacations, jewlery, and various other items we consider “common luxuries”. Now, plastic surgery procedures easily fall in the realm of affordable common luxuries.

Procedures range from $1,000 to $20,000 USD depending on the type of surgery as well as the doctors involved and the geographical location of the doctors. There are a number of other factors that may also have an impact on the cost of these programs such as the location of the hospital or clinic among others. Interested parties must also take into consideration the costs and expenses needed after a plastic surgery. Medicines, recovering procedures, as well as help with household chores and general errands all add up to the overall cost of a plastic surgery procedure. Hence, it is not only important for people interested in such surgical procedures to keep in mind the expenses for such procedures, but also other related expenses before and after the surgery. This will help calculate the total expense of the entire procedure and ensure that they are better prepared in terms of financial affordability.  

There are a number of safety and precautionary measures that patients must ensure to take in order to avoid any negative impacts and side effects of these surgical procedures on their bodies. Your doctor or surgeon will have these precautionary measures detailed out for you before any procedure is implemented; patients must adhere to these restrictions strictly and follow the instructions laid out by the surgeons to the letter in order to ensure they achieve the desired effects of the plastic surgery they opt for. This will also help prevent the occurrence of any negative impacts that these procedures may have on their bodies.

Social Norms about Such Surgical Procedures

“Plastic surgery just doesn’t have the stigma anymore that used to be associated with it,” says Dr. Andrew Miller of Allure Plastic Surgery. “As long as the procedure gives a natural result it is certainly now acceptable in society to undergo a procedure to improve your appearance. Just be sure it’s being done for the right reasons. Just because something is prominent on social media does not mean that it is OK for you to do.”

To learn more about these procedures, please contact Allure Plastic Surgery in New York by calling (212) 661-2563 today.

Tweakments: Non-surgical Cosmetic Treatments on the Rise

These days, one need not look very hard to find pictures of the latest celebrity to go under the knife in the name of beauty, and take things a bit too far, leaving little to the imagination as to what has been nipped and tucked. Americans spent over $13.5 billion last year alone on cosmetic procedures. However, a new movement is afoot. From housewives to Hollywood A-listers, more and more women (and men) are seeking more subtle improvements in pursuit of a new ”fake natural”: tweakments.

Tweakments are best described as non-surgical or minimally invasive cosmetic procedures done in the name of subtlety. Doctors are making smaller, less noticeable adjustments, rather than the unmistakable frozen face Botox treatments, too-tight face lifts, obvious nose jobs and prominent cheek and lip fillers. In their place is the use of new techniques and technologies including lasers and other injectables for more subtle, natural-looking “tweaks” to one’s appearance. This makes it harder to determine whether or not one has had cosmetic work done, which is the benchmark of a great cosmetic procedure. More and more individuals are looking to leave everyone asking: “Did she/he or didn’t she/he?”  

One theory is that by patients starting younger with smaller, regular adjustments, there will be no need for a full facelift or other invasive procedures in the future. Tweakments are a less noticeable maintenance, so as to keep other guessing as to whether or not any work has been done at all. But these tweakments are not limited to the facial area.

Cool Sculpting

Treatment is performed to shape and contour problem areas that are prone to collecting extra fat deposits. This treatment is not for the breast area, but is safe for any other areas of the body with pinchable fat. This procedure kills fat cells by freezing them (a process known as cryolipolysis) and the fat cells are later metabolized and naturally eliminated by the body for good. Multiple sessions, lasting approximately sixty minutes each, can be done, with each session decreasing the fat cells by approximately 20%-30%. This is not an instant results treatment, and can take up to three months to see initial results, with full results attained around six months. The fat loss in the treated area is permanent, but other areas of the body can accumulate fat if the patient resumes improper eating habits. It is not a treatment for obesity and should only be used to treat problematic areas, such as inner and outer thighs, stubborn belly fat, love handle areas of the waist, neck/chin areas and back/bra fat areas.  

Benefits of Cool Scupting vs Liposuction:

  • Liposuction removes fat by using large tubes (cannulas) inserted into the body through a surgical incision which required the patient to be put under general anesthesia and generally 1 week of recovery time.
  • Cool Sculpting is done completely externally, is non-surgical, therefore requiring no anesthesia or downtime.

As with any cosmetic procedure, cost varies on geographic location and provider. Another factor in the cost of cool sculpting is the size of the applicator used. Applicator size varies, depending on area being treated. Average procedure costs is estimated at $2,000.00, but also varies by number of areas treated, and how many treatments are needed.  Currently, Cool Sculpting applicators come in mini, medium and large sizes, ranging from $750.00 to $1500.00 per applicator.

Non-surgical Nose Job (Rhinoplasty)

Small amounts of hyaluronic acid filler are strategically injected to sculpt and reshape the nose in as little as fifteen minutes.

Benefits of non-surgical nose job vs. Traditional Rhinoplasty:

  1. Traditional surgical rhinoplasty can be performed to correct bumps and reduce large noses, involves surgical incisions and general anesthesia with downtime.
  2. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is best for changing nostril shape or building up the nasal bridge, involves no incisions or anesthesia, and no downtime.

The cost of non-surgical rhinoplasty varies by geographic location, but the average price in the U.S. is $1,025.00. The overall cost is also dependent on the type of dermal fillers used. Most procedures can be done using one syringe of the chosen filler. If more than one syringe is required, this will increase the cost. Compared to the $5,000.00 to $10,000.00 price tag of traditional rhinoplasty, one can see why this tweakment may be chosen over conventional surgery.


Other “tweakment” procedures include ear pinning (otoplasty) which can be performed under local, IV or general anesthesia, depending on surgeon preference and patient circumstances. This procedure corrects prominent (protruding) ears by bringing them into better proportion with the face. An incision is made just behind the ear, in the fold where the ear joins to the head. Cartilage and skin are removed in order to achieve the desired effect. Once sculpting is achieved to satisfactory position, sutures are applied to hold the ear in place until full healing occurs. While it is a surgical procedure, discomfort is minimal for most, with little downtime and minimal thin scarring behind the ears. Some patients may experience some mild discomfort if they are side-sleepers, but most agree that the improvement in their appearance outweighs any of the temporary discomforts. 

The average cost of otoplasty is between $4,000.00 and $4,700.00. Cost can fluctuate by surgeon, how extensive the procedure, whether cartilage cutting is required, and other factors that may arise.

Liquid Facelift

An alternative to a full facelift is a procedure known as an 8 point lift, sometimes called a “liquid facelift.” Various cosmetic fillers, such as Juvederm, Voluma, Botox and Restylane, are used on eight of the most prominent facial features that tend to show signs of aging. They are injected with precision to contour, fill and shape to a more desired, sculpted appearance. This procedure is performed in-office and has very little downtime, if any.  Different surgeons will have differing preferences on which eight areas to focus treatment, but the typical eight areas include:  

  • Cheek and bone structures: Cheekbones are enhanced, shaped and rounded using fillers.
  • Tear troughs: Mid-facial area where fillers are injected to minimize the appearance of the hallows beneath the eyes.
  • Nasolabial fold: Also known as “laugh lines” or “smile lines” – the folds that run from each side of the nose to the corners of the mouth. Fillers are injected here to add volume and decrease deep folds.
  • Marionette lines: Imagine drawing a line from each corner of the mouth, straight downward. These are known as “marionette lines” and can give the appearance of a downturned, frowning face with age. Fillers are used to soften the deep creases, creating a more upturned mouth and softer appearance.
  • Pre-jowl fold: This is the area on either side of the chin. The aging process can cause a loss of facial volume, resulting in sagging in this area. The fillers replace some of this lost volume.
  • Jaw line: Treatment is done here to enhance the angle of the jaw for lift.
  • Lower cheek: The aging process and facial volume loss mentioned above can also lead to a hallowing of the cheeks, giving the face a rather gaunt appearance. Cosmetic fillers can produce a more natural curve and structure to the cheek, giving a softer, rounder, more youthful appearance.

The average price for the 8 point lift, aka liquid facelift, is around $2,500.00, but again, is dependent upon surgeon, location, and number of areas treated, as all eight may not be needed. Compared to the average cost of $8,000.00 – $9,000.00 for a surgical facelift, and the drastic reduction in risks and recovery time, this procedure is rapidly becoming more preferred for those seeking more natural-looking outcomes. The 8 point lift is recommended more for someone who may feel they are too young for a surgical facelift intervention, but still wish to regain a  more youthful appearance.


Another tweakment growing in popularity is “shaping”, also known as microliposuction. This liposuction uses microcannulas (small tubes, typically .9mm to 3mm diameter) to extract the fat. The microcannulas are inserted through multiple (four to twelve or more) tiny incisions or round punctures in the skin throughout the treatment area. While there are more incisions compared to traditional liposuction procedures, these incisions are typically so small (less than 1/8 inch long) that stitches are not required. Microlipo shaping can be done under local anesthetic and has a quick recovery time with only mild discomfort, if any, for the patient.

In contrast, traditional liposuction can also be done under local anesthesia, but general anesthesia is often preferred. The procedure uses larger cannulas (3.4mm to 10mm diameter) to extract the fat. The incisions needed for traditional liposuction are larger (greater than ¼ inch) but typically, fewer are needed. Due to the size of these incisions, however, stitches are required for proper closure and healing. While both are invasive procedures, the significant difference in cannula size and incision methods lead to increased downtime and recovery following a traditional liposuction procedure. The smaller incisions also allow better drainage, reduced risk of infection, fewer follow-up appointments needed, and faster healing time all around.

Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Cosmetic dental procedures are also a growing part of the tweakment trend. Dental tweakments can treat a variety of issues from bleaching stained teeth, to veneers over damaged teeth, to repairing uneven gum lines.

Teeth whitening/bleaching can range from $400.00 to $700.00, depending on the method of whitening, which varies from in-office procedures to take-home tray kits.

Porcelain veneers come with a price tag starting around $7,000.00. Porcelain is bonded to damaged teeth. Veneers can improve the size, shape and color of teeth, or repair gaps and chipped or damaged teeth. Because the underlying tooth is altered before placement of the veneer, this procedure is irreversible.

Gum lift surgery alters the gum tissue to reveal more of the teeth, to improve the smile’s appearance. This procedure improves the smiles of patients with “tiny teeth”, or a smile that is predominantly “gummy,” where the gums sit lower on the teeth. This procedure is also known as a “crown lengthening procedure.” It can be performed via two methods: via laser or with surgical scalpel.

Laser is the preferred method, as the type of laser used (diode laser) cauterizes as it cuts, reducing bleeding and thereby reducing pain and recovery time. Local anesthesia is used, but most cosmetic dentists believe that some sort of sedation used in conjunction helps ease the process for the patient. The laser method is virtually painless, and gently sculpts a more uniform, scalloped gum line.

The scalpel method achieves the same end result, but creates increased bleeding and pain. Stitches are required with the scalpel method, which results in a longer recovery period and increased risk of infection or other complications. Stitches may need to be removed by the doctor, or in some cases, absorbable stitches may be used, which would not require removal.

During the procedure, the gums are separated from the underlying bone, excess bone is trimmed away, and the same gum tissue is replaced back and stitched at a higher level, revealing more of the tooth, improving the smile’s appearance.

While the base cost for the gum lift procedure is around $3,000.00, there may be additional procedures needed that will increase the overall costs. For instance, any caps that were on the teeth would need to be re-made, as the tooth surface is altered. The cost of the procedure could also be significantly lower, depending on how much gum line is in need of treatment.

For more information on cosmetic dentistry, visit the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry website: http://profiles.aacd.com/

No matter which cosmetic tweakment one chooses, being informed of all the risks, costs and expected outcomes is paramount. As with any procedure, research is necessary to find a reputable, competent, credentialed surgeon who has experience in performing the procedure being sought. Check out the before and after pictures of the surgeon’s patients who have had the same procedure. Read the patient testimonials for the surgeon and other surgeons in his/her practice. Be aware of all the costs and know the available payment options and what is required as far as a deposit, installments, final payment, etc. A reputable cosmetic surgery practice will be happy to meet and provide an in-depth consultation to discuss the patient’s desired outcomes and determine what procedure and methods will be best for each patient. Knowledge and information is always the best offense and defense.

Look Your Best for the New Year with Non-surgical Face and Body Rejuvenation

New Year’s Eve is almost upon us, and it’s time to start making your resolutions for the New Year. If one of your resolutions involves looking your best in 2017, you should consider non-surgical cosmetic treatments at Allure Plastic Surgery.

Many patients don’t yet feel ready for plastic surgery, but can still benefit from the rejuvenation that non-surgical options provide.

Wrinkle reduction: Reduce the appearance of wrinkles with Botox® or dermal filler injections.

Double chin elimination: Kybella can eliminate the dreaded double chin by dissolving the underlying fat and giving you a sleeker neckline.

Cellulite eradication: With Cellfina® or Mesotherapy, you can reduce the appearance of cellulite in time to enjoy bikini season in 2017.

Fat reduction: CoolSculpting® can eliminate unwanted abdominal fat to leave you with a thinner, toner abdomen. 

If you want 2017 to be the year that you look your best, call Allure Plastic Surgery today at (212) 661-2563 to arrange your personal consultation with a highly skilled New York plastic surgeon. We welcome patients throughout New York City, Manhattan, and Long Island.

We can help you understand what procedures are available and select the right cosmetic treatments to help you achieve your personal beauty goals for 2017. 

Millennials Take to Instagram to Share Plastic Surgery Results

Previous generations have often been shy about sharing their plastic surgery experiences. They may have only told close family or friends or not told anyone at all and left everyone guessing about whether they had something done. Millennials however, aren’t hesitating at all to tell the world about their procedures. Instagram is a common place to find great before and after photos posted by patients who want to share their experience with others.

Whether it’s good or bad, you can often find Instagram photos showing the results of everything from lip injections to breast enhancement. For the generation who has grown up online, it seems only natural that they would share their experiences growing older, which for many include the plastic surgery procedures that help them maintain their youthful looks.

Openness from millennial celebrities like Kylie Jenner, Kaley Cuoco, and Iggy Azalea about their own plastic surgery decisions encourage the younger generation to openly share their results too. They encourage each other to seek the beauty treatments that will help them become their best selves. Many millennials choose their plastic surgeon because they saw their friend looking fabulous on social media!

If you are ready to see how plastic surgery can transform your look, call Allure Plastic Surgery today at (212) 661-2563 to arrange your consultation with a highly skilled New York surgeon. We welcome patients throughout New York City, Manhattan, and Long Island.

When Should I Consider Fat Injections to the Face?

In this video, New York plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Miller discusses how aging causes loss of volume in the face which leads to deeper lines and hollowness in the cheeks or around the eyes. Fat injections can help reverse these signs of aging.  

Learn more about how fat injections can rejuvenation your appearance. Call Allure Plastic Surgery today at (212) 661-2563 to schedule your appointment with an experienced New York plastic surgeon. We welcome patients throughout New York City, Manhattan, Staten Island, and Long Island, New York.

Is the Daddy-Do-Over the Next Big Trend in Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery has long been the province of women who want to maintain their youthful looks or regain their body confidence after the stresses of childbearing have taken their toll. In recent years, however, men are embracing the amazing benefits that plastic surgery can provide.

Women have benefited from mommy makeovers for years. Now that men are faced with fiercer competition in the workforce and social media images to uphold, they are increasingly discovering the secrets that women knew all along.

The Daddy-Do-Over is rising in popularity. The typical daddy do-over tightens sagging skin in the face and neck and eliminates the love handles and beer bellies that have crept onto the body over the last couple of decades. Kybella can reduce the appearance of a double chin by dissolving neck fat, and a facelift can tighten skin to redefine the jawline. Liposuction can be combined with a tummy tuck for full rejuvenation of the abdominal area. Some men also opt for chest or buttock implants to recapture the more athletic look of their youth.

Younger men are starting to explore their plastic surgery options too, using Botox and dermal fillers to keep their faces looking fresh and confident as they age.

If you are interested in refining your look, call Allure Plastic Surgery today at (212) 661-2563 to arrange your confidential consultation with a highly skilled New York surgeon. We welcome patients throughout New York City, Manhattan, and Long Island.

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