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Free Consultations for Cosmetic Procedures


What to Expect from Laser Treatment for Acne Scars?

Nobody likes to have acne scars. Learn how you can reduce or even eliminate these frustrating blemishes by getting laser treatment for acne scars. There are lots of things in our environment that can cause damage to our skin. The delicate skin on our faces is an area of particular concern.

Aging and sun exposure over time cause some of these blemishes. But even young people can have significant blemishes on their face. Severe acne can leave scars and some skin conditions cause an unpleasant appearance. The good news is that you don’t have to live your entire life with those scars on your face. Covering them up with concealer and foundation is a lot of work every day. And you should be able to love the skin you’re in.

Laser treatment for acne scars and other facials blemishes can be quite effective. Keep reading to find out about the procedure and if you’d be a good candidate.

Laser Skin Resurfacing: An Ideal Laser Treatment For Acne Scars

Laser skin resurfacing, laser peel, and laser skin rejuvenation, what’s the difference?

They are all the same basic procedure but use different lasers to focus on specific areas. They use a laser with a strong anti-aging effect for skin rejuvenation. For the laser peel, they use a laser that strips away layers of damaged skin. During the procedure, the laser breaks the molecular bonds of damaged cells. This is how they remove the damaged layers of skin. 

Once those are gone, the laser begins to stimulate the growth of new cells. It also stimulates collagen production. Collagen is extremely important for the elasticity of your skin. All this together brings about a more uniform, youthful appearance to your skin.

Are You a Candidate?

It depends on your skin type and skin tone. Also, certain medical conditions can increase the risk of adverse side effects. Laser treatment for acne scars and other blemishes works like a dream for some people. For others, it is not effective and can even worsen the problem. Your plastic surgeon will help you determine how effective acne scar laser treatment will be for you.

It may not seem like it, but this procedure is quite invasive and you will need to heal. If you have a connective tissue disorder or an immune system disorder it’s not a good idea. These conditions can interfere with a successful healing process. Plus, they can increase the risk of side effects.

Talk to your dermatologist about any conditions you have. Not every problem will increase your risk of side effects but your doctor should know what you have. Don’t forget to mention even minor problems like cold sores or fever blisters. Laser treatment can cause flare-ups in people that are prone to these. Sometimes doctors will prescribe an anti-viral medication to avoid this happening.

It would also be ideal that you’re not taking any prescription medication. The best candidates for the procedure have elastic, non-oily skin. It is also ideal if your skin doesn’t scar easily after minor injuries. The procedure also works best for those with lighter skin tones. Darker skin tones are more prone to side effects like skin discoloration.

How to Prepare for the Procedure

There are many things you can do before the procedure to increase your chance of success. We’ve already mentioned that you shouldn’t be taking any prescription drugs. For at least 10 days before the procedure, you shouldn’t take anything at all.

Don’t even take mild medications like aspirin or ibuprofen. Even supplements like Vitamin E can interfere with your body’s ability to clot blood. This will affect and prolong the healing process. If you are a smoker, you should not have a cigarette for two weeks before or after. Smoking is horrible for your skin anyways. You could use the procedure as motivation to quit!

What Does it Feel Like?

You may be wondering what laser treatment for acne scars feel like. After all, don’t they use lasers to cut through metal and stuff?

Of course, the lasers used in skin resurfacing are much different. But they do use heat to ‘zap’ the cells and break those molecular bonds. Some lasers also send a blast of cold air to ‘trick’ your nerves into not feeling the heat as much. There are a few different types of treatments and each laser will feel a little different. 

Some patients describe the sensation as kind of like a zap of static electricity. A few zaps may not be too bad. But, as you may know, pain can be accumulative. If you start to feel overwhelmed, let your doctor know so you can take a short break. There’s no shame in it.

Recovery, Results, and Risks

On average, it will take about 2 weeks for your skin to heal and new cells to grow. Most people experience redness of the skin and swelling at the treatment sites. Sometimes it can be a bit uncomfortable as well. Basically, it looks and feels like a sunburn.

Most people experience a significant reduction in skin blemishes. The skin gets smoother, tighter, and takes on a more youthful appearance. In rare instances further scarring, burning and even skin discoloration can take place. As we’ve mentioned, certain factors like skin tone heighten the risk of this. 

Be sure to cover everything in detail with your dermatologist before the procedure. A competent doctor will assess your particular risks and give you a recommendation.

Laser Treatment for Acne Scars

Laser treatment for acne scars is very effective for some people. But as we’ve mentioned, there are risks. Only you can decide if the treatment is right for you. How severe are your scars? Do they bother you a lot? Do you refuse to leave the house without good concealer and foundation? If your doctor says you are a good candidate, then go ahead. Get rid of those pesky buggers!

But if your doctor says you are at increased risk of side effects, consider with care. If your scars aren’t that bad, you could make a minor problem worse. Only you can decide if you want to take the risk. For more information, contact us today. There’s nothing to stop you from finding out how to get rid of those pesky scars forever!

What to Expect During your Rhinoplasty Recovery – Hint: It’s not as Bad as you Think!

If you’re reading this, then you’ll know that a rhinoplasty is surgeon-speak for a nose job.

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures in America and rated among the top 6 procedures last year. According to a recent survey by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 148,143 procedures were performed in 2016.

With nose jobs being so popular, anyone who’s interested will want to do their research. Look through photos to see what surgeons can achieve, and find out what a rhinoplasty is like before, during and after the event, or take a look at this video where Dr. Andrew Miller discusses recovery from a rhinoplasty procedure:

Reality TV would have you believe that rhinoplasties are agony to recover from. We’re here to dispel that myth and give you the lowdown on what to expect during your rhinoplasty recovery. It’s not as bad as you may think!

Why Get One?

While it’s true that many people who opt for a rhinoplasty are unhappy with the appearance of their nose there are some other reasons people might get a nose job.

Rhinoplasties can sometimes correct breathing problems or damage from a trauma to the nose. Others have a birth defect that a rhinoplasty can correct.

Whatever your reasons for having plastic surgery, it’s very important to thoroughly research your chosen procedure. Find out how to prepare, what your surgery involves, what the risks are, and how best to recover afterward.

Remember that there are pros and cons to any surgical procedure. If you have any concerns at all at any stage of the process, always discuss these with your surgeon.

What Happens During a Rhinoplasty?

Every Nose is Different

The rhinoplasty procedure is unique for everyone, as each person’s requirements vary, and every nose is different.

Depending on the individual, you can have either open or closed surgery.

Closed surgery is where the surgeon operates internally, through your nostrils. Or you may have open surgery, through an incision at the base of your nose, with your surgeon readjusting the bone and cartilage that way.

Anesthetic Stops the Pain

You’ll be under general anesthesia where you’re asleep and out for the count.

This means that, during your rhinoplasty, you won’t feel pain while your surgeon works on you.

The type of anesthetic you’ll receive depends on your particular needs and procedure, and also on your surgeon’s preferences. If you have any specific requests, discuss them with your surgeon beforehand.

How Long Does it Take?

A rhinoplasty can take between 1-2 hours if it’s a simple op, though complex surgeries could take up to 4.

The type of anesthetic you have will also impact the procedure length. Local anesthetic means less time as you’re already awake throughout, whereas general anesthetic means they’ll have to monitor you as you come round.

Your surgeon will discuss your options and duration with you during your consultation.

Your Rhinoplasty Recovery

Now, you’ve had your rhinoplasty, and it really didn’t hurt much, which was awesome. So what comes next?

Unfortunately, you’re not going to walk out the door after your op and be able to show off your dream nose straight away.

It’s going to be a bit of a caterpillar-to-butterfly transformation, but those are some of the best kinds, right? Exactly.


The first thing you’re going to notice as you start your recovery is that your nose is pretty blocked and swollen. You’ll probably still have in the splints that your surgeon used during the procedure, plus loads of internal packing and dressings.

You know that bunged-up feeling you get when you’re sick and your sinuses are all blocked? That’s sort of what it feels like. It’s not painful, but it is uncomfortable.

You’ll also probably feel like your nose is huge. It’s not, by the way, but the swelling in your nose and face will make you think it is.

At Allure Plastic Surgery, your packing is removed the day after your procedure. Once they’re taken out, the pressure is released and you’ll feel like you’re floating on air, plus you’ll be able to smell stuff again! Splints may stay on until around days 5-7 post-op.

The best way to counter this at first is to lay or sit in your bed, with your nose higher than your chest, for optimal blood flow and minimized swelling and bruising.

During your rhinoplasty recovery, don’t do intensive exercise for 2 weeks after surgery. Things like lifting weights, swimming and running are a no-no. But you can do light walking, though probably just around your house and yard is best in the beginning. Why?

Well, on the street or at the park, think animals, kids, and balls. You don’t want anything to jump at, strike, or fly at your nose before it’s healed. It’ll really hurt, and it can easily shift your stents and delicate nose out of place.

Now you can start to see glimpses of that beautiful nose you’ve been coveting! But once the dressings are off, you’ll notice something else.


Just to be clear, the bruising doesn’t hurt. But it might look kind of bad for the first week or so, as it goes from dark purple and begins fading to green, and then yellow.

For some people, the bruising that comes during the recovery phase is barely an issue, though for others it’s downright obvious. Again, it all depends on the person, so it’s a wait-and-see thing.

You might see bruising on your nose and around your eyes, too, from the surgery.

For the first 48 hours, use ice to minimise the bruising and swelling. The discoloration will probably last between 10 days and 2 weeks, but soon it’ll be gone and like it never happened.

You’ll forget all about it as you see the fruits of your labor coming into focus!

Wound Care

This one’s pretty basic: you need to keep your wound clean.

A great way to do this is to soak a Q-tip in hydrogen peroxide, and gently apply it to any scabbed blood until the scabs dissolve.

Sounds kind of gross, we know. But it’s really important to make sure you don’t get infections during your rhinoplasty recovery stage, and also so your face and nose feel as comfortable as possible.

This sort of cleaning will only be necessary for up to the first 5 days. After that, the bleeding should stop so you won’t need to worry about it anymore.

Of course, wound care is something you’ll discuss with your surgeon. You won’t be able to shower and wet your face because of the dressings and packing, so make sure you’re armed with all the information you need to keep wounds clean and dry.

Dry Mouth

This is something that isn’t really stressed much, but dry mouth is a thing during recovery. When your nose is totally out of action while the packing’s in and the swelling’s going down, the only thing you can breathe through is your mouth.

Since you’ll be doing a lot with your mouth – eating, breathing, talking – it will get pretty dry. Soft and moist food will definitely help in the beginning, and during the day you can drink lots to counter it.

The time dry mouth is worst is at night.

Again, this is not something that’s painful, it’s just uncomfortable. But if you take the proper steps to reduce it early on, you’ll thank yourself later.

You’ll want to increase the moisture in the air, and a great way to do this is to have a humidifier running through the night while you’re asleep.

During your rhinoplasty recovery, having a jug of water beside you in the night is a necessity. You might find yourself waking up at first, as your body adjusts to this new nightly state, so take sips of water to relieve your dry, scratchy mouth and throat.

Though this isn’t painful, it may be irritating. But you’ll be getting ever-closer to nose perfection, and a dry mouth is going to be so worth it.


This may sound obvious, but your nose is going to be pretty sensitive for a little while.

During the recovery stage, things will feel uncomfortable and you might be tempted to touch, gently massage, or apply pressure to your nose.


While you may suffer discomfort, contact with your nose is only going to delay the healing process and prolong your recovery time.

It’s easier said than done, but when you feel the urge to prod or poke your nose, go do something to distract yourself. The quicker your recovery period is over, the quicker you’ll see the transformation you’ve been waiting for.

Ongoing Recovery

For those first 5-7 days, your rhinoplasty recovery phase will be limited by the nasal stents and packing. Once those are out, you’ll need to take further steps to aid the healing process.

Be aware that it takes 4-6 weeks for your nasal bones to heal solidly, so you’ll still need to treat your nose with caution.

Moisturize With Saline

The lining of your nose, or the nasa mucosa, will need to heal after your surgery and to do that it needs moisture.

Carry a saline nasal spray with you everywhere, and use it at least 3 times a day, but more if you need to. A saline spray helps to replenish the moisture content of the nasal lining.

Saline also helps to helps to curb swelling, and keep the lingering wounds inside your nose clean, which will speed up the healing process.

The internal scabbing during the recovery stage can take up to a month to heal, so be aware of that and treat your nose accordingly.

Don’t Blow Your Nose

This is going to take a lot of self-control, but don’t blow your nose during your recovery phase.

Many surgeons advise that a gentle nose-blow after 3 weeks is okay, but the emphasis is on the word ‘gentle’.

You’ll often be advised not to put any pressure on the sides of your nose, which can be frustrating, as that means that there won’t be a buildup of pressure inside. And use your saline spray first, to soften up the scabs inside.

Still, it is only for just over a month. Chances are you’ve been waiting for your rhinoplasty result for quite a while, maybe even years, so a month is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Remember that; it’ll help.


If you’ve had your surgery far away from home, your surgeon will likely advise you that you can fly home after 7-10 days.

By this time, internal and external nasal splints will have been removed, as will the packing. The swelling will mostly have gone down, and any oozing or dripping will have usually stopped within the first couple of days.

Take your saline nasal spray with you on the flight and be sure to use it more than you would on the ground. Most of us get dry noses on a flight, even without a major trauma to them, which is essentially what a rhinoplasty is.

The nasal cavities can dry out on a flight, so keep them moist with lots of saline to combat it and ease discomfort.

It’s good to be aware that flying can induce general swelling in many people, and this can include your nose.

If you find swelling is something you’re prone to, after your initial flight home it may be a good idea to hold off flying for a few months until things have calmed down internally.

The Transformation


Your time has finally come.

You’ve been through the surgery, the discomfort, the period of looking like you’ve had a few rounds in the ring with someone a lot bigger and heavier than you. But the day has finally come.

You look in the mirror and see, for the first time, a perfect new nose without any traces of telltale yellow bruising, or the swelling that you thought would never go away.

Like the caterpillar who hid away in his chrysalis for a month and emerged as a beautiful butterfly, your nose has finally undergone its transformation to a thing of beauty on your beaming face.

Talk about a transformation. With your new look and constant smile, your nose won’t be the only thing that’s changed.

Loved this article? Click here to find out the most popular plastic surgery procedure in New York.

8 Questions to Ask Your Breast Augmentation Surgeon

Do you live in the New York City area and are considering breast augmentation surgery? If so, you must have many questions. Like all surgical procedures, you must take breast augmentation seriously. First, it means that finding a doctor who people trust and you get along well with is of the utmost importance. You should also find someone who both you and the community trust. It also means that you will get a ton of information thrown your way.

We’ve gone ahead and brushed all the redundancies and unimportant factoids aside to present: eight questions you should definitely ask your breast augmentation surgeon. Read on to find out what they are!

1. Ask About the Practice’s Background

When you have your first doctor/patient consultation, it is important to remember that this is an opportunity for you to ask questions, not just a time for your doctor to see if you are a viable candidate. This means that now is a good time to do a little bit of doctor shopping. Once you’ve found someone you have a good feeling about and a good rapport with, ask them about their practice.

Ask for references as to their experience, which should be extensive. You should be able to view a lengthy gallery of before and after photos of their patients, and ideally read testimonials from their previous patients.

2. Ask What Procedures They Offer

Most cosmetic surgery practices offer a menu of different procedures, from head to toe. Most cosmetic surgeons also offer different methods of breast augmentation. Talk with your doctor about the different options they have. If the price is a factor, make sure you mention that as well.

The most common type of augmentation uses implants. There are several incision types. Ask your doctor which one is right for you. The most common type is called inframammary incision and is a cut beneath the natural crease of the breast. Scarring from this is minimal and can be hidden by a bathing suit top.

Other types of incisions include around the areola and under the muscle folds of the armpits. Each has its own sets of benefits. Another type of breast augmentation is an enlargement by way of fat transfer. The process of harvesting fat cells from different parts of the body (via liposuction) has vastly improved over the past few years.

These fat cells are then processed so only the most viable cells are used for the procedure. They are then injected into the breast area. This has become increasingly popular because it is the least invasive of the surgery types, and has the ability to increase your breast size by one full cup.

You and your doctor will likely discuss what kind of results you expect. This, paired with other factors like your health and the shape of your upper-body will help you and your surgeon reach a conclusion about which procedure to select.

3. Ask What You Can Expect During Surgery

Some people like to know every detail about any type of medical procedure they plan to have. Others prefer to know nothing, citing nerves or anxiety and would prefer to be told only what they need to know. For those who want to know, ask what you can expect from the breast augmentation procedure.

Ask about the type of anesthesia that will be used during the surgery, especially if you’ve had reactions to anesthesia in the past. Most likely the anesthesiologist will tell you that you have options. There are three levels of anesthesia most commonly used. The first is called general. 

This is the most common type. General anesthesia is when they ask you to count back from ten and by the time you make it to seven you are essentially asleep. By the time you wake up, the surgery is complete. For those of you who want something in the middle, there is a type of anesthesia often called “twilight” where your consciousness is altered but you are still technically awake.

And last is “local”, which essentially means doctors will numb the surgical site of your breast augmentation, but not adjust your mental state. There is much discussion about which method is best, but the most important thing is to speak with your doctor about which method is best for you.

4. Ask for Information on Implant Types

If you are planning on going with implants for your breast augmentation and not fat cell transfer, ask your doctor about what types of implants they offer. There are two primary types of silicone-based breast implants.

The first is called a saline implant. This is a silicone-based shell that is inserted into the breast area and then filled with sterile saline fluid (essentially salt water) until the desired size is reached. Like everything else, this method has its pros and cons. There is an increased risk of rupture with saline implants, but they also require a significantly smaller incision and often result in less scarring.

The second augmentation type uses a pure silicone implant. This implant consists of a silicone exterior and a cross-linked silicone gel interior. Using pure silicone implants provides results that have a significantly more natural look and feel. They are also less likely to rupture or tear than saline. However, the surgical procedure can be slightly more invasive and there is an increased chance of scarring at the incision site.

Shape and Placement Site

While deciding whether to use a saline or silicone implant, you must also make a decision about what size and shape you’d like your results to present. Regarding shape, talk to your doctor about what they offer. Usually, you will be able to choose between round and tear-drop shaped implants.

Finally, talk to your doctor about the placement of your implant. The doctor will either place it above or beneath the pectoral muscles. There is also a technique called Dual plane breast augmentation where the surgeon places the implant beneath both muscle and breast tissue. This is often used to create a lift and added fullness.

There are risks and benefits associated with all breast augmentation methods. Ask your doctor to weigh your body type, your health, and your desired aesthetic results to determine which methods to choose. Additionally, ask your doctor for before-and-after photos. Not only will this help you see their body of work, it will give you the ability to see the outcomes of the many different types of breast augmentation.

5. Ask About Risks and Safety Precautions

Like any surgery, breast augmentation is not without risks. It is important to talk to your doctor about them so that you can prepare and take precautions to help prevent them. It is worth noting that breast augmentation has become the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure, with hundreds of thousands performed each year. With this type of frequency, doctors have been able to minimize complications more and more.

Of course, complications can still occur. These include the risk of infection, a reduction in sensitivity around the breast area, and the formation of scar tissue. Very rarely, there can also be complications with anesthesia. Be sure to ask your doctor about what you can do to help reduce the risk of these complications.

6. Ask About Recovery Time

Though all doctors have individualized sets of guidelines, recovery time usually lasts about a week. After a week you can typically return to light work and physical activity. Ask your doctor about how long it will take for you to recover, particularly based on the type of procedure you receive.

Talk to your doctor about anything you can do personally as you prepare for and recover from your procedure to help reduce risks. For instance, if you are a smoker you may be asked to quit, as this will help reduce the risk of infection and decrease recovery time. Additionally, your doctor may ask about your schedule. Can you take time off from work? After your breast augmentation, you will need recovery time.

All risks increase if you go back to your daily routine two days after your surgery. Your diet is also a huge factor in recovery time. The better your immune system, the shorter your recovery time. Diet directly impacts this.

7. Ask About Breast Reduction/Lift Surgery

Not all breast augmentations are to give you a bigger bust size. Cosmetic surgeons are also skilled at the process of breast reduction. There are several reasons why one might want a breast reduction. Often, women can get severe back pain from large breasts that put constant tension on the spine.

Additionally, a breast reduction can create a more youthful appearance. Finally, breast reductions are often the last step in a long journey that men and women take toward major weight loss. This procedure requires the careful removal of breast tissue until the desired size is reached.

In doing so, the result is often a younger appearance, as it reduces the amount of breast sag. This is why breast reduction surgery often goes hand-in-hand with a lift procedure. This is still a surgical procedure, and swelling and discomfort can linger for up to two weeks. However, most scarring will have completely faded by six to twelve months.

8. Ask Anything You Need for Peace of Mind

Ultimately, it’s important to ask any question that will make you feel more comfortable as you go into this procedure. Ask your doctor how long they have been practicing medicine. Have they dedicated their career to cosmetic surgery? Or is this a new field for them?

Should complications arise, ask how this doctor typically handles them. Try to see beyond the immediate results. Remember – breast implants are not expected to last for a lifetime. They will need to be reworked at some point. Though they are extremely effective for decades, they will need to be reworked at some point in your life. Ask about this fact. Ask about what your body would look like should you decide

Ask about what your body would look like should you decide, let’s say in 30 years, to remove the implants. Peace of mind doesn’t just mean asking questions about safety. It also means asking about results. It is incredibly important to talk about expectations. What do you want your results to be?

Starting this dialogue will be the way that you and your doctor will sift through all the different options to choose the methods that will produce the outcome that you expect. An open dialogue with your doctor is essential and will lead to a better working relationship.

If there are any unanticipated side-effects or if recovery time takes longer than expected, you will already have a rapport with your doctor during this time of need.

Ask these Questions and You’ll Be Ready to Go 

If there is one takeaway from this article, it is that there are many decisions that you and your doctor will need to make together. These eight questions will give you a comprehensive guidebook to the breast augmentation process, and the peace of mind associated with that knowledge.

Once you’re ready with the question, the next step is to find a breast augmentation surgeon you can trust. At Allure Plastic Surgery, we have the experience and expertise to help you achieve the breasts of your dreams. Get in touch with us for a free consultation, where you can ask all your questions.

Is Cosmetic Surgery on the Rise Among Millennials in NYC?

Some people may call them crazy, but cosmetic surgery among millennials in NYC (people in their 20’s and 30’s) is growing every day. In fact, it’s one of the demographics that is growing the fastest when it comes to cosmetic surgery procedures. From breast augmentation to BOTOX® and almost anything else you can think of, millennials are taking advantage of the wealth of cosmetic procedures that are becoming increasingly available and affordable.

The question is why are millennials having so much cosmetic surgery? What are the most popular procedures they are having as young men and women?

In this article, we’ll take a close look at what’s driving the boom in surgeries and how these procedures are helping to improve lives. After all, who doesn’t want to put their best face forward and get the body they’ve always dreamed of? First, we’ll cover the many reasons why cosmetic surgery among millennials has become so common. Then we’ll dive into the most popular procedures we’re seeing among his group.

The Celebrity and Media Effect on Cosmetic Surgery Among Millennials

Celebrities are in our faces all the time. From movies, TV, advertising to the internet, they are hard to get away from. When is the last day you didn’t lay eyes on a celebrity and think how perfect they look?

For some of us, it hasn’t always been this way. But remember that millennials grew up in a time with constant bombardment of celebrity beauty. Who can really blame them for comparing themselves against this high bar of perfection?

When many millennials look into a mirror, they want to see the same perfect beauty that surrounds them everywhere they look. While some parts of the body can be changed or improved by diet and exercise, others can’t. What’s more, sometimes they just don’t have the patience to put in all the work required to get that rock-hard body.

In these cases, cosmetic surgery can provide a sort of “instant gratification” that can’t be replicated by any other means. More on this later. When looking at the rise in cosmetic surgeries among millennials in NYC, the celebrity and media effect can’t be ignored.

The Social Media Effect

You may not believe this statistic, but it’s true. Millennials spend almost 18 hours a day consuming media — and it’s mostly content created by their peers on social media. Eighteen hours sounds impossible! But it’s not.

Millennials are always on. While some of the 18 hours of consumption is media overlap (browsing Facebook while simultaneously texting friends and looking at Snaps), it’s still a lot. And it affects the way they feel about themselves.

Although many of us understand that social media doesn’t accurately reflect reality, it still changes the way we think about our friends and ourselves. It’s hard not to draw mental and emotional comparisons when so much time is spent taking in social media content.

That perfect selfie your friend just posted with her husband makes yours yesterday’s news. Not to mention, it sure would be great to have her perfect nose and cheek bones. Social media consumption leads directly to the desire to look better. What quicker way to make an immediate physical improvement than with cosmetic surgery?

The answer for many millennials is that one doesn’t exist.  While social media isn’t the only reason for the rise in cosmetic surgeries for millennials, it plays a big role that can’t be ignored.

Competition Between Other Millennials

It’s true that social media creates a lot of competition between millennials. But it’s not the only driving force. Especially for millennials that are single, the huge number of online dating sites and apps create a stiff level of competition when it comes down to finding a fulfilling romantic relationship.

Especially among millennials in their early 20’s, online dating usage has almost tripled within a 2 year period. So how does that lead to an increase in cosmetic surgeries being performed?

Think of it this way: in the online dating world you have thousands of other profiles to compete with. As such, you have about one second to capture the attention of a potential mate before they scroll on to the next profile. One second.

And what do you think you’re being judged by when that perfect man or woman lands on your profile? It would be wonderful to think that it’s the long and thought-out description of yourself that you’ve written. In reality, if they aren’t attracted to you in the first second or so of viewing your profile, they probably won’t ever get to the meat of your profile that you’ve worked so hard on.

Popular cosmetic procedures can help you stand out from the online dating crowd. When you stand out, there’s a much better chance to catch the eye of someone that could turn into a love interest. This works the same in the “real world”. Millennials tend to judge themselves physically against the people they see around them in NYC every day. When it’s time to make the desired physical changes, cosmetic surgery can make it happen.

Instant Gratification

For good or for bad, many millennials are all about instant gratification. A lot of this has to do with the technology they’ve grown up with and continue to use on a daily basis. Say you’re scrolling through your Instagram feed and see Kylie Jenner’s beautifully “plumped-up” lips looking back at you. It only serves to remind you how much you hate your thin lips.

In an instant, you can jump online and immediately schedule a lip augmentation with a local NYC plastic surgeonMany modern day cosmetic procedures (such as dermal fillers and BOTOX®) are quite affordable and don’t require much downtime. Many times they can even be scheduled within a few weeks.

This makes cosmetic surgery an extremely attractive option for many millennials who want what they want and want it now. Don’t misunderstand — there is absolutely nothing wrong with seeking instant gratification, contrary to what some of the older generations may tell you!

Millennials Have a Sense of Entitlement

A lot of the entitlement millennials feel can be directly attributed to the high level of media and social media consumption we covered earlier in the article. Millennials feel they deserve the best, and in many cases go out seeking it in any way they can.

When’s the last time you saw a young person without a smart phone in their hand? It’s pretty much all the time. With all the browsing they do, a minor concern about small or mismatched breasts, or a flabby stomach can quickly turn into an all-out obsession after a few hours of internet browsing.

Generally speaking, past generations were not nearly as self-indulgent as millennials. Young people live by the belief that they have the absolute right to like everything they see in the mirror. The growth in cosmetic surgery among the younger age group proves this point.


It’s cheaper (and easier) to get cosmetic work done than ever before in history. “The commoditization of cosmetic procedures, both surgical and especially non-invasive, is increasing due to Groupon and other daily deal aggregators,” says Dr. Edwin Williams III, President of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS).

Online “coupon” sites cause cosmetic surgery providers to compete for business. This lowers prices and makes it much more affordable to millennials living on tight budgets. As of 2014 the average millennial in NYC was only earning an average of $23,500 per year. Fortunately, the average price for cosmetic procedures has reached a level where millennials can afford them without breaking the bank.

According to Dr. Williams and other AAFPRS members, the future of cosmetic procedures will have more of an emphasis on “early maintenance”. These surgeries start in your early 20’s and delay (or completely remove) the need for future, more expensive surgeries as you age.

Top 5 Cosmetic Surgery Trends for Millennial Woman

You may not know that millennials now make up the largest portion of the population within the United States. There are now over 75.4 million millennials, surpassing the 74.9 million baby boomers. Reviewing the most recent statistics from 2015, let’s take a look at the most popular procedures being performed on woman within this population group.

1. Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is by far the single most popular procedure being performed on millennial women.

In 2015, 146,439 women had some sort of breast augmentation done.

There are many different types of augmentation surgeries being performed including:

  • Making breasts more symmetrical
  • Enlarging breasts
  • Restoring breasts to original size and shape post-pregnancy, breast feeding or weight loss
  • Restoring breasts after a serious surgery (like breast cancer) that impacted the size and shape

Many of these needs can be met by only one surgery. This helps explain why breast augmentation is the number one cosmetic surgery being performed on female millennials.

2. Liposuction

Liposuction is the most popular among all age groups combined, but comes in at number 2 for the female millennial generation. In 2015, 110,669 liposuctions were performed on millennials. While not at the same level as breast augmentation, this is still a very high number.

3. Surgery on the Nose

Coming in third on the list is nose surgery, professionally called rhinoplastyThe total number of nose surgeries performed in 2015 on female millennials was 67,563. In general, this procedure is done for either cosmetic reasons or to correct breathing that is impaired due to the current structure of the nose.

4. Breast Reduction

Officially known as reduction mammoplasty, breast reduction surgery lands as the fourth most popular cosmetic surgery done on female millennials. The 28,281 surgeries exclude men from the number and only include those done on female patients.

Typically this surgery is done to make breast size more proportional to a woman’s body, or to help relieve the pain and discomfort women experience from having very large breasts. A history of severe back pain is the most common reason why women get this procedure done. In many cases, this type of cosmetic surgery can be covered by insurance.

5. Ear Surgery

Female millennials had 13,882 ear surgery procedures performed in 2015. Typically these are done to correct the size, position or overall shape of the ears.

Top 5 Cosmetic Surgery Trends for Millennial Men

We can’t forget men when it comes to cosmetic procedures. Here are the top 5 procedures millennial men are having done.

1. Liposuction

Liposuction comes in at number 1 for millennial men, with 51,370 surgeries being performed in 2015. Men have this done for many reasons, including fat removal from the stomach area.

2. Surgery on the Nose

Nearly half of millennial men value the size and shape of their nose as much as millennial women. In 2015, 30,928 men had this procedure performed for a wide variety of reasons.

3. Eyelid Surgery

This procedure can be done to minimize the bagginess from lower eyelids while also removing excess skin from upper eyelids. It can also be done to help improve overall eyesight. Eyelid surgery was a popular procedure in 2015, with 30,696 millennial men undergoing it.

4. Male Breast Reduction Cosmetic Surgery

Many millennial men have breast reduction done for the treatment of gynecomastia — an overdevelopment of the male breast due to an excess of estrogen in the body. You may not have known that men get breast reduction surgeries done, but in 2015 30,464 millennial men did just that. The procedure typically takes 1 to 2 hours, and men can return to work within a week.

5. Facelifts

Wrinkles can start early in life, and don’t discriminate based upon gender. As such, 13,726 millennial men had facelifts performed in 2015. These typically require sedation and are one of the most invasive cosmetic procedures.

It’s All a Matter of Personal Preference

As millennials, you want to look good. There’s no shame in that. Cosmetic surgery is a great way to personally shape yourself into the individual you want to be. While these procedures certainly aren’t for everyone, talking with us about your personal preferences and goals can help you make an informed decision that can help improve the rest of your life.

When you’re ready, we’ll be here to get you started.

12 Important Topics to Cover at Your Rhinoplasty Surgical Consultation

Rhinoplasty, also referred to as a “nose job” or sometimes “nose reshaping”, is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgeries today. Rhinoplasty modifies the proportions of your nose to give you the facial appearance you desire. Rhinoplasty is also performed at times to correct impaired breathing caused by structural defects within the nose and at other times to correct facial damage from an accident or other such occurrence.

If you are considering undergoing a nose job, there are few things you should consider to qualify you as a good candidate for rhinoplasty; we also have some tips to review for your consultation with your rhinoplasty surgeon.

Important note: it is of utmost importance that you are completely honest with your surgeon in every way. Your surgeon will ask you about previous surgeries, medications you are taking or have taken, known allergies to medications or anesthesia, alcohol, tobacco and drug use, diet, etc. It is your responsibility to provide honest and accurate information to your surgeon. Being dishonest about any of these could result in a less than ideal outcome, or worse.

Are you a Suitable Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

You may be a suitable candidate for rhinoplasty provided your facial growth is complete and you are physically healthy. Ideally you should be a non-smoker, and you must have realistic goals in mind for the improvement of your facial appearance. If you fit this description, read on for some additional tips on what you should ask your surgeon during your nose job procedure consultation visit.

1) General certifications, training and experience:

Ask your surgeon to kindly provide his training and certification credentials as well as his overall surgical experience. Where did he train, what are his certifications and how long as he or she been performing plastic surgery procedures? There are a variety of certifications for plastic surgeons, so it is recommended to do additional research after your consultation so you are familiar with the credentials of your surgeon of choice.

2) Rhinoplasty specific surgical expertise:

Ask your surgeon how many years he has spent performing rhinoplasties as well as how many total nose jobs he has completed during this time. Ask your surgeon specifics on their success rate – what percentage of patients are happy with the procedures and consider their nose job a success and how many have required revisions? How many revisions ultimately lead to happy patients? You may also consider asking how many nose jobs they perform on a weekly or monthly basis as well as what percentage of overall procedures they perform are rhinoplasty as opposed to various other surgeries. This will give you a solid idea as to how often your surgeon is performing the same procedure and keeping their rhinoplasty skills sharp.

3) Revision policy:

Ask your surgeon if the results are not what you wanted, what is their policy on revisions? It is important to be clear on this matter, as one surgeon may perform a revision free of charge if you are not fully pleased with the outcome for a variety of reasons, while another surgeon may only perform revisions based on certain criteria. Also ask the timeframe for revisions – how long after your procedure do you need to wait before a revision is possible should you require one?

4) Rhinoplasty questions directly related to you:

You may ask your surgeon their experience performing rhinoplasty on your ethnicity and how that may affect the outcome. Does your surgeon specialize in male or female nose jobs, or does she have equal experience and success with both genders? If you are considering additional plastic surgery procedures in the future, ask your surgeon how your current rhinoplasty may affect these potential future procedures and if now is the proper time for a nose job.

5) RhinoplastyTechniques:

Ask your surgeon to explain some of the techniques she utilizes in rhinoplasty procedures. Specifically, ask if he or she uses minimally invasive techniques to reduce scarring. Another question to ask your surgeon as well as research yourself is the choice between an open and closed rhinoplasty and which technique your surgeon will use for your procedure. Open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty are two techniques surgeons use in reshaping the nasal tip. Open rhinoplasty techniques use an incision along the columella, which is the soft tissue between your nostrils, while closed rhinoplasty implies that all incisions will be inside of the nostril. Naturally, there are advantages and disadvantages to each technique. Some noses are more apt for closed techniques and others better suited to open techniques. Ideally, your surgeon should feel comfortable with both techniques and apply the best one for your nose during your procedure, based on your unique anatomy.

6) Expected results from your rhinoplasty:

Have a point-blank discussion on what to expect with your procedure as well as what may go wrong. As mentioned above, it is very important that you have reasonable expectations on the outcome of your procedure. You must FULLY convey these expectations to your surgeon so he or she may confirm the likelihood of these or correct any expectations that may not be likely or even possible to achieve. Listen carefully to what your surgeon says and adjust your expectations accordingly before deciding to continue with the procedure. Also ask what can go wrong with your procedure and how likely is it to happen. Minor issues are uncommon but do happen and serious issues are rare; however, your particular physical structure or medical history may open up further risk or adversely affect the outcome. Again, be honest and listen very closely to your surgeon and make sure you are 100% comfortable with potential issues that may arise before moving forward with your procedure as you and only you must live with the end results.

7) Rhinoplasty recovery:

Ask specific questions regarding the recovery process of your nose job. Will the recovery process be painful? What types of medications will I need to take? How long will I need to take off school or work? What physical activities must I avoid and for how long? Should I avoid travel or flying? How will this affect my daily routine over the course of the recovery period? Will I be able to wear eye glasses or contact lenses directly after surgery? Your surgeon will lay out a recovery plan and what to expect in the hours, days and weeks after your surgery. Should you make the decision to undergo a nose job, make sure to follow the your surgeon’s instructions closely in order to ensure optimal results.

8) Personal responsibilities in order to assure the most successful surgical outcome for my rhinoplasty:

 It is very important for patients to follow all instructions given by your surgeon both before and after surgery. Your surgeon will give you specific direction on how to properly prepare for your surgical procedure as well as what to do post-op. The list will include various directions on eating, drinking, and sleeping requirements prior to your surgery as well as potential medication additions or changes that may be required.  Post-operative direction will include what medications you will be required to take, eating, drinking, and sleeping instruction, and also what issues and concerns to look out for once the operation is complete and your body is in the process of healing.

9) Before and after photos:

Ask to see before and after photos with your surgeon and ask him to explain the procedures as you look through the patient pictures. You will learn a great deal about rhinoplasty by viewing before and after pictures of the procedures and you will learn more about your surgeon, including his level of passion for his work and caring for his patients. Make sure you ask her to show you examples of noses that are close to yours as far similarity to your current nose as well as similarity to your expected outcome.

You may view a large gallery of before and after rhinoplasty photos of Allure Plastic Surgery patients here. 

10) Testimonials:

Hearing the words of other rhinoplasty patients that have worked with your surgeon is reassuring for you and provides tangible proof of your surgeon’s capabilities. Ask your surgeon for written testimonials that are ideally accompanied by before and after pictures. Ask if it would be OK to directly contact one or two patients for a short chat on their nose job experience.  It is rare that an experienced surgeon will not have at least one or two former patients that are open to having a conversation with another patient. Be wary of any surgeon that does not offer at least one patient that you may converse with.

11) Cost and financing:

This may be the very first topic you discuss with your surgeon and it is rightfully important to be clear on total costs. Make sure your surgeon explains exactly what it is included in their quote, as well as what is or may not be included such as revisions, lab work, post-operative check-ups, etc.

12) Finally, why NOT get a nose job?:

This is an interesting question and you may learn a lot from your surgeon’s answer. Ask them why you should NOT get a nose job. This may lead to further discussions on your unique physical attributes that may negatively affect the outcome as well as emotional reasons behind the decision. It may or may not change your overall decision but it will surely be a good discussion to have with your rhinoplasty surgeon.

After your surgical consultation, you should feel relaxed and comfortable with your surgeon. You should not feel as though questions were skimmed over or not answered fully and you should certainly not feel pressured into a decision. If the surgeon is pushy, does not take his time to answer your questions to your satisfaction, or seems more concerned with getting you to make a decision and/or sign up for additional procedures, than walk away and find another surgeon. This is someone whom you are placing your trust, your appearance and your health with and you need to be certain that they are the best person for your procedure. If you feel your surgeon is being evasive or unwilling to answer your questions fully then look for another.

Dr. Miller and Dr. Heller use their years of experience performing and refining their rhinoplasty techniques to give each patient exceptional results. If you are ready to enhance your facial appearance with surgical correction of your nose, give Allure Plastic Surgery a call (212) 661-2563 today to schedule your consultation with one of our experienced rhinoplasty surgeons. We welcome patients throughout the Manhattan, New York City, Staten Island, and Long Island areas and have a lengthy list of before and after photos of satisfied patients for you to view.

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