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Chemical skin peels are one of the easiest and most affordable way to maintain the appearance of your skin at its best!

A chemical peel procedure removes damaged outer skin layers to smooth your skin's texture, remove blemishes and reduce pre-cancerous growths and scarring to produce glowing, healthy skin. A chemical peel procedure is not only one of the least invasive ways of bringing your skin back to life, it also enhances its appearance.  Our chemical peel procedures can aid in improving the skin of virtually any person.

At our Allure Plastic Surgery office in New York, we effectively treat the following: wrinkles and fine lines sun-damaged-skin, uneven pigmentation, acne scars, scarring, age spots and freckling. People suffering from acne, sun exposure damage, wrinkles and fine lines will find our treatment technique particularly beneficial. The best results will begin to be seen after a series of peels, purposely designed for you and the changing needs of your skin.

Our chemical peel procedures are one of the most wonderful way to produce a subtle and visibly healthier look with zero risks involved. At Allure Plastic Surgery, we recommend chemical peels to any patient who is looking to start a new skincare regimen, maintain healthy skin, or simply prolong their results after a procedure. To learn more about these procedures, please contact Allure Plastic Surgery in  New York by calling (646) 844-5683 today.

Chemial Peels

Chemical peels are grouped into various categories based on the peel depth and strength of the solution used to induce the peel. All of the skin peel procedures at Allure Plastic Surgery are done by an experienced and certified medical aesthetician. The peeling process involves a number of important steps. First, the most ideal type of peel that best suits your specific skin care goals and situations is chosen. The skin is then prepared by either using dermaplaning or enzyme mask to allow for penetration of the chemical peel solution. The desired chemical agent is then applied, thereby causing the skin to exfoliate. The peeling agent, after a designated time, is then neutralized and washed off. Finally, sunblock and topical healing agents are administered. In the next couple of days, the top skin layers heal leaving a regenerated, smoother and more evenly colored skin surface.

Light chemical peels require little downtime and exfoliate the upper layer of the cells of the skin, revealing a smoother, brighter complexion. For superficial peels, some of the commonly used chemicals include salicylic acid, Jessner’s solution and glycolic acid. Normally, the more superficial a peel is, the more superficial the correction and also the lower the risk of complications. We carry out light peel procedures by applying a power peel (microdermabrasion) or glycolic acid which polishes the skin gently with fine crystals. Our peels don’t require any downtime and patents continue to get better results with each subsequent visit. A series of 8 to 10 light chemical peels provides an excellent improvement of skin pores and tones.

Medium depth chemical peels generally use a combination of 35% trichloracetic acid and Jessner’s solution. For patients with an increased number of fine lines and brown spots and severe sun damage, a medium depth chemical peel is required. Deep peels normally require more downtime, nonetheless, they are an excellent way of improving texture, pigmentation, tone and fine lines.

Our chemical peels (TCA and/or Jessner’s) provide medium depth peeling that aids in reduce fine lines, mild scarring and damage by revealing glowing, fresh skin. We usually perform this procedure in our offices without using any anesthesia on the patients. A single application of our highly effective peeling agents produces a nice peel which heals up within 5 days.

It is important to have in mind that chemical peels actually enhance your own natural production of collagen, thereby resulting in long term benefits.  At our New York plastic surgeon center, we will help you in knowing how to maintain your results as well as deciding which level best suits your skin type. Please reach to us today on (212) 661-2563 or contact us online for more information on our skin care options. At, Allure Plastic Surgery we have set up an exceptional menu of chemical peels featuring only the most superior medical grade product lines and technology.  Adding a consistent peel appointment on your schedule will assist you in maintaining the glowing complexion your series achieves. Our chemical peels also make an excellent add-on to a face lift procure.

Allure Plastic Surgery

Before & After


Jessner’s is a versatile chemical peel and a favorite among dermatologists. The Jessner’s peel solution comprises of 14% salicylic acid and 14% lactic acid peeling agent and a resorcinol solvent. It is a strong solution known to deliver great results.

Aside from being a great facial treatment, we also use Jenner’s peel on patients to treat acne and lighten hyperpigmentation areas, aging skin, and acne-scarring and photo damage. Repeated application of Jessner’s solution on the patient’s skin is done until a white frost is developed and which usually takes four to six coats.

A temporary numbing and stinging sensation may be noted upon initial contact and minor skin sensitivity as well as light to moderate redness, however, this does not require anesthesia.

After a couple of days, the upper layer of skin naturally flakes or peels away, revealing smoother, clearer skin. A Jessner’s chemical peel is a continuous treatment that provides excellent results with regular applications. We often advice patients to have us perform the procedure on them on a monthly basis until the desired results are realized.

Allure Plastic Surgery

Trichloracetic Acid (TCA)

A Trichloracetic acid (TCA) peel is medium strength chemical peel that rejuvenates and repairs your skin. The peels even out and brighten your skin tone by removing pre-cancerous areas, repairing sun-damaged skin cells, and stimulating the formation of collagen for a younger, healthier looking complexion.

Due to the deep exfoliating effects they have, TCA chemical peels can by cleaning out congested pores. TCA chemical peels are used on the back of the hands, or on the neck and face. TCA peels make your skin to peel physically, and as result require approximately a single week of downtime.

Allure Plastic Surgery

Chemical peel procedures remove damaged outer skin layers to smooth texture, remove blemishes and reduce pre-cancerous growths and scarring, thereby producing glowing, healthy skin. To learn more about these procedures, please contact Allure Plastic Surgery in New York by calling (646) 844-5683 today.

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