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Male Breast Reduction Surgery

The presence of enlarged male breasts can be caused by a number of factors, and frequently results in a loss of self-esteem and confidence, as well as the development of social anxieties and other forms of both physical and emotional discomfort. In some cases, men can be uncomfortable removing their shirts in public, especially at the beach or swimming pool where men commonly walk around shirtless.

While this condition typically results from a hormonal imbalance, genetics, or weight gain, it can be corrected by either Dr. Heller or Dr. Haramis using a combination of liposuction and laser telescopic surgery to effectively reduce excess fat and glandular tissue. To learn more about male breast reduction in NYC and Staten Island at Allure Plastic Surgery, please call our office at (212) 661-2563 for a free consultation today.

Allure Plastic Surgery

Before & After

What Are the Benefits of Male Breast Reduction?

While there are many causes of gynecomastia, one of the most common non-genetic causes of male breasts is the use of steroids. Regardless of the cause, however, you might wind up choosing to have a male breast reduction at NYC's or Staten Island's Allure Plastic Surgery for any of the following reasons:

  • Boost your confidence
  • Feel more comfortable shirtless 
  • Fit better into tight clothing
  • Overcome feelings of inadequacy
  • Feel more attractive to women
  • Enjoy a more masculine figure
  • More comfortably enjoy physical activity
  • Improve their posture
Handsome man with very defined chest in swim shorts

Gynecomastia Surgery with Breast Lift

When undergoing breast reduction surgery, some of our patients also opt to include a male breast lift. Distinct from a typical female breast lift procedure, this is designed to complement male breast reduction, tightening and lifting the tissues in the breast to eliminate the appearance of loose, sagging skin after the tissue removal that occurs during breast reduction surgery. This procedure results in a tighter, firmer appearance of the chest, and can help to create the most optimal look when paired with surgery for gynecomastia in NYC at Allure Plastic Surgery.

Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction in NYC

Allure Plastic Surgery

Is Gynecomastia Surgery Right for Me?

Before your procedure, we’ll set up an in-person consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. We’ll work closely with you, going over your goals and the specifics of your anatomy. We’ll tailor a male breast reduction treatment that is designed to reach your specific goals.

Some of the most common of gynecomastia include: 

  • Tumors
  • Testicular problems
  • Liver disease
  • Genetic disorders
  • Leprosy
  • Kidney failure
Allure Plastic Surgery

Male Breast Reduction Surgery Options

To deal with this condition, you have two options available to you: surgery or medication. During your in-person consultation, we’ll discuss your alternatives closely with you, so you can make an informed decision, with the guidance of one of our board-certified surgeons.


If you choose to use medication to help reduce the size of your male breasts, we’ll recommend those that are typically used to treat breast cancer, such as tamoxifen (Soltamox), raloxifene (Evista), and aromatase inhibitors (Arimidex). Although these medications have been approved by the FDA, they've not been approved specifically for this use, so they should only be taken on the recommendation of your doctor.


If you decide to undergo a surgical procedure to remove the excess tissue in your chest, your surgeon will typically use liposuction to achieve your desired results. During this procedure, the doctor eliminates the excess glandular tissue using a cannula, and may modify the size and location of the areola and nipple afterwards to give your chest a more manly appearance.

How Long Is the Procedure?

Depending on the procedure, the surgery takes two to three hours to complete, with an immediate recovery time of two to three hours. After your surgery and post-recovery phase, it's important to note you will not be in a position to drive, so you should either call a cab, request an Uber, or get a friend to drive you home afterwards.

How Do I Prepare for Male Breast Reduction?

During your consultation, the doctor will discuss your eligibility for this surgery. To do that, we’ll perform some tests, such as a blood cell count, and get a complete medical history from you, as one of the primary concerns will be whether or not you're currently taking any medications that might preclude you from having the surgery performed. Since these medications can affect the outcome of the surgery, it's important that you avoid taking some drugs before the surgery is performed, including aspirin, Advil, ibuprofen, and other similar medications.

The doctor may also ask you to discontinue any unnecessary prescription medications prior to approving the surgery, and you'll need to quit smoking weeks prior to the surgery as well.

After your initial consultation and discussion with the surgeon to determine the best course of action for your needs, you'll schedule the date of your surgery.

What Can I Expect from Gynecomastia Surgery?

When arriving to Allure Plastic Surgery in Staten Island or NYC for gynecomastia surgery, you'll make your way into our office and the surgery will begin with IV sedation or anesthesia that make the experience as comfortable as possible.

Depending on each individual’s case, this surgery may consist of liposuction alone, or in combination with an incision used to remove tissue and skin. Recently, the use of orthopedic shavers has gained in popularity.

These arthroscopic shaver cannulas have dentated double lumen tips that rotate at 4000 to 6000 rpm, to mechanically separate fibrous glandular tissue for suctioning and are typically used in cases of mild to moderate gynecomastia, which do not require skin excision.

That being said, direct excision through a periareolar incision remains popular due to its simplicity and use of standard instrumentation that's available in most plastic surgery clinics.

Allure Plastic Surgery

Board Certified Surgeons

Recovering from Male Breast Reduction in NYC

Any pain from the procedure can be relieved by using prescription pain medication for the first 48-72 hours. In most cases, a small drain will be placed in the area that was operated on to help it heal properly. Both the drain and any stitches will be removed after seven to 10 days, and you can expect to return to work after one to two weeks, depending on how quickly you typically recover from most surgeries.

Male breast reduction surgery gives natural-looking improvements that lend your body a fitter and more contoured appearance. If you’ve been feeling frustrated by the presence of enlarged male breasts, gynecomastia breast reduction at our Staten Island treatment center might be the option for you. To find out more about gynecomastia treatment in and around Long Island and other areas of New York City, please contact Allure Plastic Surgery online or call (212) 661-2563 today.

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