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Kybella is the first injection of its kind that is used to dissolve fat commonly seen in a “double chin.” This procedure is perfect for the patient that does not want surgery. Kybella is composed of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring chemical in the body that breaks down fat. Once the fat cells are destroyed, they are gone forever.
The main indication for Kybella is submental fullness. This fullness is often a result of genetics, weight gain, or aging, but the common factor is that diet and exercise usually does not help fat in this area. Patients are often uncomfortable with this area of the body because submental fullness can make them look older.
The treatment is done in the office in about 10-15 minutes. First, some numbing cream is applied and then the Kybella is injected in small increments in the submental fat. Afterwards, some swelling or bruising may be visible for a few days, but then over the next month, some reduction in the fat should be seen. An average of 2-4 treatments is typically needed. So let’s look at some examples:
This patient disliked the submental fullness seen from the front but did not want surgery. After 4 treatments, you can see a much nicer contour to the submental area.
This patient was not happy with her side profile because of the fullness under the chin. She underwent 3 sessions of Kybella and the submental fat seemed to melt away.
It’s important to understand that Kybella is not for everyone. If your main problem is platysmal muscle banding or excess skin, then Kybella is not the best treatment and other procedures can be discussed such as Ulthera or surgery. However, for submental fullness, Kybella is a very effective nonsurgical treatment. If you would like to speak with an experienced Plastic Surgeon in New York about Kybella, please call (212) 661-2563 on contact us online to arrange a consultation.
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