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What to Expect from Laser Treatment for Acne Scars?

What to Expect from Laser Treatment for Acne Scars?

Nobody likes to have acne scars. Learn how you can reduce or even eliminate these frustrating blemishes by getting laser treatment for acne scars. There are lots of things in our environment that can cause damage to our skin. The delicate skin on our faces is an area of particular concern.

Aging and sun exposure over time cause some of these blemishes. But even young people can have significant blemishes on their face. Severe acne can leave scars and some skin conditions cause an unpleasant appearance. The good news is that you don’t have to live your entire life with those scars on your face. Covering them up with concealer and foundation is a lot of work every day. And you should be able to love the skin you’re in.

Laser treatment for acne scars and other facials blemishes can be quite effective. Keep reading to find out about the procedure and if you’d be a good candidate.

Laser Skin Resurfacing: An Ideal Laser Treatment For Acne Scars

Laser skin resurfacing, laser peel, and laser skin rejuvenation, what’s the difference?

They are all the same basic procedure but use different lasers to focus on specific areas. They use a laser with a strong anti-aging effect for skin rejuvenation. For the laser peel, they use a laser that strips away layers of damaged skin. During the procedure, the laser breaks the molecular bonds of damaged cells. This is how they remove the damaged layers of skin. 

Once those are gone, the laser begins to stimulate the growth of new cells. It also stimulates collagen production. Collagen is extremely important for the elasticity of your skin. All this together brings about a more uniform, youthful appearance to your skin.

Are You a Candidate?

It depends on your skin type and skin tone. Also, certain medical conditions can increase the risk of adverse side effects. Laser treatment for acne scars and other blemishes works like a dream for some people. For others, it is not effective and can even worsen the problem. Your plastic surgeon will help you determine how effective acne scar laser treatment will be for you.

It may not seem like it, but this procedure is quite invasive and you will need to heal. If you have a connective tissue disorder or an immune system disorder it’s not a good idea. These conditions can interfere with a successful healing process. Plus, they can increase the risk of side effects.

Talk to your dermatologist about any conditions you have. Not every problem will increase your risk of side effects but your doctor should know what you have. Don’t forget to mention even minor problems like cold sores or fever blisters. Laser treatment can cause flare-ups in people that are prone to these. Sometimes doctors will prescribe an anti-viral medication to avoid this happening.

It would also be ideal that you’re not taking any prescription medication. The best candidates for the procedure have elastic, non-oily skin. It is also ideal if your skin doesn’t scar easily after minor injuries. The procedure also works best for those with lighter skin tones. Darker skin tones are more prone to side effects like skin discoloration.

How to Prepare for the Procedure

There are many things you can do before the procedure to increase your chance of success. We’ve already mentioned that you shouldn’t be taking any prescription drugs. For at least 10 days before the procedure, you shouldn’t take anything at all.

Don’t even take mild medications like aspirin or ibuprofen. Even supplements like Vitamin E can interfere with your body’s ability to clot blood. This will affect and prolong the healing process. If you are a smoker, you should not have a cigarette for two weeks before or after. Smoking is horrible for your skin anyways. You could use the procedure as motivation to quit!

What Does it Feel Like?

You may be wondering what laser treatment for acne scars feel like. After all, don’t they use lasers to cut through metal and stuff?

Of course, the lasers used in skin resurfacing are much different. But they do use heat to ‘zap’ the cells and break those molecular bonds. Some lasers also send a blast of cold air to ‘trick’ your nerves into not feeling the heat as much. There are a few different types of treatments and each laser will feel a little different. 

Some patients describe the sensation as kind of like a zap of static electricity. A few zaps may not be too bad. But, as you may know, pain can be accumulative. If you start to feel overwhelmed, let your doctor know so you can take a short break. There’s no shame in it.

Recovery, Results, and Risks

On average, it will take about 2 weeks for your skin to heal and new cells to grow. Most people experience redness of the skin and swelling at the treatment sites. Sometimes it can be a bit uncomfortable as well. Basically, it looks and feels like a sunburn.

Most people experience a significant reduction in skin blemishes. The skin gets smoother, tighter, and takes on a more youthful appearance. In rare instances further scarring, burning and even skin discoloration can take place. As we’ve mentioned, certain factors like skin tone heighten the risk of this. 

Be sure to cover everything in detail with your dermatologist before the procedure. A competent doctor will assess your particular risks and give you a recommendation.

Laser Treatment for Acne Scars

Laser treatment for acne scars is very effective for some people. But as we’ve mentioned, there are risks. Only you can decide if the treatment is right for you. How severe are your scars? Do they bother you a lot? Do you refuse to leave the house without good concealer and foundation? If your doctor says you are a good candidate, then go ahead. Get rid of those pesky buggers!

But if your doctor says you are at increased risk of side effects, consider with care. If your scars aren’t that bad, you could make a minor problem worse. Only you can decide if you want to take the risk. For more information, contact us today. There’s nothing to stop you from finding out how to get rid of those pesky scars forever!

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